List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15605 Catalogue of conservation practices for agriculture in sloping land multiple species cropping; cultivation; erosion control measures; water management; fertility maintenance; sloping land; rehabilitation; catalogue; conservation practices; integrated pest management

Gomez, Arturo A.; Swete Kelly, David E.; Baril, Ma. Theresa A.


13174 Catalyzing urban climate resilience: Applying resilience concepts to planning practice in the ACCRN Program (2009-2011) urban climate resilience; adaptation; vulnerability assessment; resilience planning

Shashikant Chopde; Fajber, Elizabeth; Guibert, Greg; Macclune, Karen; Moench, Marcus; Opitz-Stapleton, Sarah


2768 Catchment governance and cooperation dilemmas: A case study from Cambodia. integrated catchment management irrigation

Bandeth, Ros; Tem, Ly; Thompson, Anna

book cdri working paper series no. 61

2981 Cattle health, production and trade in Cambodia. forage productivity Stylosanthes guianensis nitrogen metabolism small holders farmers livestock diseases Bos indicus beef cattle haemorrhagic septicaemia liver fluke foot-and-mouth disease biosecurity book

1729 Causes of the 1997 Asian financial crisis: What can an early warning system model tell us?. financial crisis domestic currencies bank borrowings domestic credit

Juzhong Zhuang; Malcolm Dowling, J.

book erd working paper series no. 26

2421 CBRMP sourcebook on tree propagation and nursery establishment and management : For local government units (LGUs), people's organizations (POs), community organizers (COs) and technology-transfer workers. tree propagation seed collection seed processing seed testing seed storage seed germination vegetative propagation techniques nursery establishment nursery infrastructure containerized production system book

2496 Cell and tissue culture techniques for cereal crop improvement : Proceedings of a workshop cosponsored by the Institute of Genetics, Academia Sinica and The Internationa Rice Research Institute. rice pollen culture anther culture Hevea brasilliensis chromosome elimination callus formation totipotency cytogenetic stability maize pollen callus embryogenesis book

1240 Cell division in higher plants. cell division plastids sporogenesis spore development

Yeoman, M.M. (ed.)


82 Central Asian Republics: Information Resources for Economic Development. book

3124 Central Mekong Delta Region Connectivity Project: Rapid climate change threat and vulnerability assessment. vulnerability assessment climate change threat assessment adaptation assessment climate proofing measures book