List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2834 Breeding and feeding pigs in Vietnam: Assessment of capacity building and an update on impacts. pig production animal breeding feeding impact assessment capacity building

Fisher, Hayden; Gordon, Jenny

book impact assessment series 52

974 Breeding and improvement of farm animals dog horse goats sheep swine beef cattle animal husbandry livestocks progeny testing population genetics animal breeding dairy cattle milk composition artificial insemination genetics reproductive process inbreeding outbreeding progeny testing

Warwick, Everett J.; Legates, James Edward


983 Breeding for resistance to infectious diseases in small ruminants sheep ruminants genetic variation genetic resistance viruses bacteria parasites nematode parasites animal breeding small ruminants

Gray, G.D.; Woolaston, R.R.; Eaton, B.T.

book aciar monograph series no.34

889 Breeding plants resistant to insects Plant resistance Insects Breeding systems Cotton Maize Rice Forest Trees Cassava Alfalfa Germplasm resources

Maxwell, Fowden G.; Jennings, Peter R. (eds.)


2110 Breeding rainfed rice for drought-prone environments: Integrating conventional and participatory plant breeding in South and Southeast Asia : Proceedings of a DFID Plant Sciences Research Programme / IRRI Conference, 12-15 March 2002, IRRI, Los Baños, La rice crop improvement participatory varietal selection participatory plant breeding molecular marker technology drought-tolerant rice genetic improvement Cambodia Bangladesh Sumatra India Lao PDR Nepal Africa Ghana

Witcombe, J.R.; Parr, L.B.; Atlin, G.N. (eds.)


2109 Breeding rice for drought-prone environments. plant breeding drought tolerance selection molecular tools physiological traits rice

Fischer, K.S.; Lafitte, R.; Fukai, S.; Atlin, G.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


742 Breeding strategies for resistance to the rusts of wheat Wheats Rust Disease resistance Plant breeding

Simmonds, N.W.; Rajaram, S. (eds.)


932 Breeding technologies for tropical acacias Acacia mangium Acacia auriculiformis plant breeding Acacia crassicarpa reproduction biology vegetative propagation phenology pod production

Carron, L.T.; Aken, K.M. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.37

13636 Briefing paper: Nutrition-sensitive agricultural development - Case studies of Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Timor-Leste livelihood; malnutrition; nutrition-sensitive; agriculture; nutrition; policy; Indonesia; Lao PDR; Myanmar; Timor-Leste

Bonis-Profumo, Gianna


1885 Bringing water to the poor: Selected ADB case studies. water gender community participation drought infrastructure development communication water providers projects lessons learned irrigation book water for all, series 8