ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2834 | Breeding and feeding pigs in Vietnam: Assessment of capacity building and an update on impacts. | pig production animal breeding feeding impact assessment capacity building | Fisher, Hayden; Gordon, Jenny |
book | impact assessment series 52 |
974 | Breeding and improvement of farm animals | dog horse goats sheep swine beef cattle animal husbandry livestocks progeny testing population genetics animal breeding dairy cattle milk composition artificial insemination genetics reproductive process inbreeding outbreeding progeny testing | Warwick, Everett J.; Legates, James Edward |
book |
983 | Breeding for resistance to infectious diseases in small ruminants | sheep ruminants genetic variation genetic resistance viruses bacteria parasites nematode parasites animal breeding small ruminants | Gray, G.D.; Woolaston, R.R.; Eaton, B.T. |
book | aciar monograph series no.34 |
889 | Breeding plants resistant to insects | Plant resistance Insects Breeding systems Cotton Maize Rice Forest Trees Cassava Alfalfa Germplasm resources | Maxwell, Fowden G.; Jennings, Peter R. (eds.) |
book |
2110 | Breeding rainfed rice for drought-prone environments: Integrating conventional and participatory plant breeding in South and Southeast Asia : Proceedings of a DFID Plant Sciences Research Programme / IRRI Conference, 12-15 March 2002, IRRI, Los Baños, La | rice crop improvement participatory varietal selection participatory plant breeding molecular marker technology drought-tolerant rice genetic improvement Cambodia Bangladesh Sumatra India Lao PDR Nepal Africa Ghana | Witcombe, J.R.; Parr, L.B.; Atlin, G.N. (eds.) |
book |
2109 | Breeding rice for drought-prone environments. | plant breeding drought tolerance selection molecular tools physiological traits rice | Fischer, K.S.; Lafitte, R.; Fukai, S.; Atlin, G.; Hardy, B. (eds.) |
book |
742 | Breeding strategies for resistance to the rusts of wheat | Wheats Rust Disease resistance Plant breeding | Simmonds, N.W.; Rajaram, S. (eds.) |
book |
932 | Breeding technologies for tropical acacias | Acacia mangium Acacia auriculiformis plant breeding Acacia crassicarpa reproduction biology vegetative propagation phenology pod production | Carron, L.T.; Aken, K.M. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.37 |
13636 | Briefing paper: Nutrition-sensitive agricultural development - Case studies of Indonesia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Timor-Leste | livelihood; malnutrition; nutrition-sensitive; agriculture; nutrition; policy; Indonesia; Lao PDR; Myanmar; Timor-Leste | Bonis-Profumo, Gianna |
book |
1885 | Bringing water to the poor: Selected ADB case studies. | water gender community participation drought infrastructure development communication water providers projects lessons learned irrigation | book | water for all, series 8 |