List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1376 Biological control: Pacific prospects - Supplement 1. natural enemies biological control onion thrips spiraling whitefly western flower thrips coffee berry borer cabbage centre grubs banana skipper life cycle pest control

Waterhouse, D.F.; Norris, K.R.

book aciar monograph no. 12

910 Biological control: Pacific prospects [Supplement 2] pest insects fruit flies breadfruit mealybug coconut termite Honolulu rose pigweed

Waterhouse, D.F.

book aciar monograph no.20

1187 Biological nematocide technology: A diagnostic assessment (A summary report). Paecilomyces lilacinus book cpds working paper no. 86-10

656 Biological nitrogen fixation in farming systems of the tropics Rhizobia Ecology Physiology Legumes Farming systems Nitrogen fixation Losses Fertilizer Tissue culture

Ayanaba, A.; Dart, P.J. (eds.)


933 Biological nitrogen fixation in forest ecosystem: Foundations and applications silvicultural systems nitrogen fixation horticultural systems

Gordon, J.C.; Wheeler, C.T. (eds.)


1330 Biological pest control in systems of integrated pest management : Proceedings of the international symposium on "The Use of Biological Control Agents under Integrated Pest Management". Proceedings of the international symposium on "The Use of Biological Control Agents under Integrated Pest Management". entomopathogeic nematodes microbial control pests of plants peanut sweet potato turfgrass integrated pest management book fftc book series no.47

2686 Biology and bio-resource management in our life : Proceedings of the NAST Social Sciences Division Roundtable Discussions on Biology as Destiny? I and II, and Bio-Resource Management and Our Common Future?. social science biology bio-resource management

Concepcion, Mercedes B. (ed.)


936 Biology and ecology of mangroves mangroves nomenclature mangrove forests fishes Albinism oil spills sewage pollution cryptovivipary

Teas, H.J. (ed.)

book tasks for vegetation science, 8

14199 Biology and hatchery of mangrove crabs Scylla spp. Scylla spp.; crab; anatomy; taxonomy; life history; food and feeding; molting; regeneration; sexual maturity; mating; spawning; embryonic development; hatching; larval development; hatchery; broodstock; larval rearing; megalopa; harvesting

Quinitio, Emila T.; Parado-Estepa, Fe Dolores; dela Cruz-Huervana, Joana Joy

book aquaculture extension manual no. 34

15640 Biology and hatchery rearing of the silver therapon Leiopotherapon plumbeus silver therapon; freshwater fish; breeding; biology; broodstock development and management; artificial breeding; hatchery rearing; economic analysis

Aya, Frolan A.; Garcia, Luis Maria B.

book aquaculture extension manual no. 67