List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1013 Bluetongue disease in Southeast Asia and the Pacific ruminants bluetongue animal diseases epidemiology entomology virology serology pathogenesis vaccine disease control

St. George, T.D.; Peng Kegao

book aciar proceedings no.66

1738 Bond market development in East Asia: Issues and challenges. bonds corporate governance taxation

Quibria, M.G.

book erd working paper series no. 35

15643 Book of trees: UPLB-EDC Binhi Biodiversity Park trees; species; park; family; conservation status; distribution; scientific name; tree facts; uses

Malabrigo, Pastor L. Jr.; Tobias, Adriane B.; Gibe, Ronino C.; Umali, Arthur Glenn A.


431 Botanical identification handbook on Philippine mangrove trees mangrove forest species ecology

Aragones, E.G., Jr.Rojo, J.P.; Pitargue, F.C., Jr.


1239 Botanical systematics: An occasional series of monographs. Fagus Nothofagus palynotaxonomic investigation pollen Genisteae

Heywood, V.H. (ed.)


1007 Bovine ephemeral fever and related rhabdoviruses : Proceedings of the 1st international symposium held in Beijing, PRC, 25-27 August 1992. animal diseases ephemeral fever epidemiology pathology pathogenesis taxonomy morphology molecular biology vaccine antigenic variation cattle

St. George, T.D.; Uren, M.F.; Young, P.L.; Hoffmann, D. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no.44

16525 Brave new words: How AI will revolutionize education (and why that’s a good thing) artificial intelligence; educational change

Khan, Salman


13129 Braving it and making it: Insights from successful inventors in Muslim Mindanao palm oil; coconut oil mill; investment

Habito, Cielito F.


731 Breaking the yield barrier : Proceedings of a workshop on rice yield potential in favorable environments. rice yield hybrid rice irrigated rice mineral ash stress tolerance

Cassman, K.G. (ed.)


2175 Breaking their silence : Report of the Fourth Asian Development Forum "Transforming institutions for the empowerment of Asian grassroots communities". globalization democratization GATT nongovernmental organizations ADB World Bank book