List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15709 Changing agrifood markets in Southeast Asia: Impacts on small-scale producers agrifood markets; small scale producers; food industry; potato farmers; dynamic vegetable market; organic rice producers; dynamic potato market

Digal, Larry; Proctor, Felicity; Vorley, Bill


1962 Changing bank lending behavior and corporate financing in Asia: Some research issues. economic performance bank lending financial systems Asia

Xiaoqin Fan, Emma; Akiko Terada-Hagiwara

book erd working paper series no. 49

2511 Characterisation of the tuna purse seine fishery in Papua New Guinea. purse seine fishery catch composition fishing mortality catch rates

Nicol, Simon; Lawson, Tim; Briand, Karine; Kirby, David; Molony, Brett; Bromhead, Don; Williams, Peter

book aciar technical reports no. 70

1825 Characteristics and control of viruses infecting peppers: A literature review. plant viruses peppers control measures filamentous viruses rod-shaped viruses isometric viruses Gemini viruses tomato spotted wilt virus

Green, S.K.; Kim, J.S.

book avrdc technical bulletin no. 18

15762 Characteristics of farm holdings: Evidence from the Philippines' census of agriculture irrigation systems; farm holdings; agriculture; crops

Collado, Paula Monina G.; Tia, Mercedita E.; Del Prado, Divina Gracia L.; Taguibolos, Gerardo B.; Lipio, Guillermo M. Jr.


2107 Characterizing and understanding rainfed environments. rainfed rice soil variability soil suitability remote sensing phosphorus potassium technology adoption gender analysis land use analysis irrigated rice

Tuong, T.P.; Kam, S.P.; Wade, L.; Pandey, S.; Bouman, B.A.M.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


16667 Charan Chantalakhana: Thailand's international scientist biography; livestock; agriculture; science; university; CGIAR; ILRI; Kasetsart; Thailand

Falvey, Laindsay


2355 Charting new pathways to C4 rice. rice economy poverty alleviation photosynthesis nuclear regulation hydrilla allele engineering

Sheehy, J.E.; Mitchell, P.L.; Hardy, B. (eds.)


888 Checklist of plant diseases in the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands Plant diseases

Quebral, F.C.; Cabrera, I.T.; Tudela, A.F.


2837 Chemical characterization of selected benchmark spots for C sequestration in the semi-arid tropics, India. carbon dioxide carbon sequestration soil organic carbon

Ramesh, V.; Wani, S.P.; Rego, T.J.; Sharma, K.L.; Bhattacharyya, T.; Sahrawat, K.L.; Padmaja, K.V.

book global theme on agroecosystems report no. 32