List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2817 Common underwater plants in coastal areas of Thailand. Chlorophyta Phaeophyta Rhodophyta Charophyta Tracheophyta

Tsutsui, Isao; Hamano, Kaoru; Aue-Umneoy, Dusit; Songphatkaew, Jaruwan; Srisapoome, Prapansak; Ruangsomboon, Suneerat; Klomkling, Sirimas

book jircas international agriculture series no. 21

2589 Commons vs. commons: Managing scarce water resources in dry zone village tank systems in Sri Lanka. water resources rainfall surface water groundwater water scarcity water management sustainability property rights integrated management systems

Senaratne, Athula; Wickramasinghe, Kanchana

book eepsea research report no. 2010-rr13

13603 Communicating climate change in the rice sector climate change; rice production; information sharing; high school curriculum; technologies; information sources; PhilRice

Manalo, Jaime A. IV; Bautista, Anna Marie F.; Berto, Jayson C.; Hallares, Rommel T.; Saludez, Fredierick M.; Villaflor-Mesa, Jennifer


2387 Communication and culture, conflict and cohesion. communication analysis environmental conflict advocacy peace insurgency language indigenous people convergence model

Flor, Alexander G. (ed.)


1513 Communication support program on the adoption of alternatives to highway drying in selected towns of Nueva Ecija. Grain drying

Lacson, Helen R.; Rigor, Rhodora D.; Ramos, Carminia L.; Bandong, Milagros M.

book technical bulletin no.16

2146 Communicators' training manual : Basic environmental management system and pollution prevention / cleaner production. environmental management pollution prevention waste reduction industrial pollutants air pollution water pollution land pollution community participation ISO 14001 cleaner production policies regulations incentives client research employee awareness environmental awareness book

14349 Communities at the heart of forest management: How can the law make a difference? - Sharing lessons from Nepal, the Philippines and Tanzania land; forest tenure; community forestry; governance; community forest management; Nepal; Philippines; Tanzania book

2666 Communities, conservation and the Filipino environmentalist. forest watershed environment protection ancestral domain threatened species

Manipon, Aida Jean N.; Mesina, Sylvia R. (eds.)


1149 Community based resource management and environment action research environment conservation sustainability community based management

Sajise, Percy E.; Drijver, Carel


2394 Community based strategies in natural resource management [proceedings]. community based resource management coastal resource management forest management nongovernmental organizations community based natural resource management community property rights ancestral domain resource assessment community mapping reef monitoring environmental education community participation CBNRM project cycle tourism mangrove reforestation sustainable agriculture disaster reduction book