ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2699 | Climate Change Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Agenda and Program for Agriculture and Fisheries. | climate change agriculture fisheries adaptation strategies | book |
15228 | Climate change threats and effects: Challenges for agriculture and food security - ASM series on climate change | climate change; agriculture; food supply; food security; land use; livelihood systems; dryland agriculture; cropping patters; animal production systems; urbanization; water availability; genetic diversity conservation; research and development; biotechnology; mitigation; adaptation; policy; investing in agriculture | Devendra, C. |
book |
15765 | Climate change vulnerability mapping of selected municipalities in Laguna, Philippines | climate change; vulnerability; mapping | Ballaran, Vicente G. Jr.; Mendoza, Maria Emilinda T.; Bayani-Arias, Jamie Kim; Dorado, Rowena A.; Burgos, Bessie M. |
book |
14264 | Climate projections for the Philippines Climate Change Adaptation Project (PhilCCAP) | climate change; adaptation | book |
3125 | Climate proofing ADB investment in the transport sector: initial experience. | climate risk management climate proofing transport sector climate change | book |
14188 | Climate proofing for development: Adapting to climate change, reducing risk | climate proofing; development | Hahn, Marlene; Frode, Alexander |
book |
2896 | Climate proofing: a risk-based approach to adaptation. | climate change climate proofing risks | book |
3021 | Climate risk and adaptation in the electric power sector. | climate change adaptation; energy; electric power; thermal power; nuclear power; geothermal power; hydropower; ocean power; renewable energy; nuclear power; bioenergy; solar photovoltaics | book |
2999 | Climate-smart agriculture: A review of current practice of agroforestry and conservation agriculture in Malawi and Zambia. | climate-smart agriculture; agroforestry; conservation agriculture; adoption; impact; food security; livelihood; Malawi; Zambia | Kaczan, David; Arslan, Aslihan; Lipper, Leslie |
book | esa working paper no. 13-07 |
3000 | Climate-smart agriculture: Policies, practices and financing for food security, adaptation and mitigation. | climate-smart agriculture; crops; rice production; conservation agriculture; livestock production; agroforestry; fisheries; aquaculture; urban agriculture; peri-urban agriculture; food energy systems; social safety nets; payments for environmental services; financing; credit; insurance; investments | book |