List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2699 Climate Change Research, Development and Extension (RDE) Agenda and Program for Agriculture and Fisheries. climate change agriculture fisheries adaptation strategies book

15228 Climate change threats and effects: Challenges for agriculture and food security - ASM series on climate change climate change; agriculture; food supply; food security; land use; livelihood systems; dryland agriculture; cropping patters; animal production systems; urbanization; water availability; genetic diversity conservation; research and development; biotechnology; mitigation; adaptation; policy; investing in agriculture

Devendra, C.


15765 Climate change vulnerability mapping of selected municipalities in Laguna, Philippines climate change; vulnerability; mapping

Ballaran, Vicente G. Jr.; Mendoza, Maria Emilinda T.; Bayani-Arias, Jamie Kim; Dorado, Rowena A.; Burgos, Bessie M.


14264 Climate projections for the Philippines Climate Change Adaptation Project (PhilCCAP) climate change; adaptation book

3125 Climate proofing ADB investment in the transport sector: initial experience. climate risk management climate proofing transport sector climate change book

14188 Climate proofing for development: Adapting to climate change, reducing risk climate proofing; development

Hahn, Marlene; Frode, Alexander


2896 Climate proofing: a risk-based approach to adaptation. climate change climate proofing risks book

3021 Climate risk and adaptation in the electric power sector. climate change adaptation; energy; electric power; thermal power; nuclear power; geothermal power; hydropower; ocean power; renewable energy; nuclear power; bioenergy; solar photovoltaics book

2999 Climate-smart agriculture: A review of current practice of agroforestry and conservation agriculture in Malawi and Zambia. climate-smart agriculture; agroforestry; conservation agriculture; adoption; impact; food security; livelihood; Malawi; Zambia

Kaczan, David; Arslan, Aslihan; Lipper, Leslie

book esa working paper no. 13-07

3000 Climate-smart agriculture: Policies, practices and financing for food security, adaptation and mitigation. climate-smart agriculture; crops; rice production; conservation agriculture; livestock production; agroforestry; fisheries; aquaculture; urban agriculture; peri-urban agriculture; food energy systems; social safety nets; payments for environmental services; financing; credit; insurance; investments book