ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1036 | Coastal resource management for food security | fisheries fisheries production commercial fisheries aquaculture poverty coastal resource management food security sustainability | book |
1888 | Coastal resources management, Ulugan Bay, Palawan Island, The Philippines : Volume II - Master plan for community based eco-tourism. | tourism community based development sustainability eco-tourism livelihood activities Palawan Philippines | Felstead, M.L. |
book |
1908 | Coastal seas: A net source or sink of atmospheric carbon dioxide?. | carbon dioxide coastal seas nutrients sulphate reduction calcium carbonate dissolution | Kempe, S. |
book | loicz reports & studies no. 1 |
1355 | Coastal shrimp aquaculture in Thailand: Key issues for research. | shrimp farming socioeconomic impacts aquaculture sustainability geographical information system | Smith, Paul T. (ed.) |
book | aciar technical reports no.47 |
1632 | Coastal swamp land in Southern Thailand and Malaysia : A report of cooperative research "Brackish Water Ecosystems" in agricultural science field between NRCT and JSPS 1985-1990. | Coastal swamp land development peat swamps nutrient cycling balloon photography vegetation mapping copper zinc soil respiration soil dressing soil amelioration crop nutrition phenolic acids liming spodosols | book |
2265 | Coastal tourism in Southeast Asia. | coastal tourism beach resorts environmental impact assessment beach resort development | Wong, P.P. |
book |
2307 | Coastal: Leveraging best practices - A Collection of vignettes and how-to-do-it manuals. | coastal resource management reef monitoring and evaluation marine management Cebu Antique Pangasinan Samar Bohol Quezon Bataan | book |
849 | Coconut breeding | Papers presented at a Workshop on Standardization of Coconut Breeding Research Techniques, Jun 20-25, 1994, Port Bouet, Cote d'Ivoire | coconut breeding genetic improvement | Batugal, Pons A.; V. Ramanatha Rao (eds.) |
book |
1851 | Coconut embryo in vitro culture : Proceedings of the first workshop on embryo culture, 27-31 October 1997, Banao, Guinobatan, Albay, Philippines. | coconut embryo culture acclimatization germplasm collection India Sri Lanka Papua New Guinea Tanzania Philippines France Mexico Cuba Brazil Indonesia | Batugal, P.A.; Engelmann, F. (eds.) |
book |
954 | Coconut improvement in the South Pacific | germplasm Cocos nucifera coconut industry cultivars embryo culture viroids | Foale, M.A.; Lynch, P.W. (eds.) |
book | aciar proceedings no.53 |