List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2454 Community-based management of coastal resources. community-based resource management sustainable development coastal fisheries management nongovernmental organizations local government units participatory appraisal San Miguel Bay Aklan Bidani Project Philippines

Siason, Ida M.; Subade, Rodelio F. (eds.)


1155 Community-based resource management in the Philippines: Perspectives and experiences mining irrigation community-based resource management

Sajise, Percy E.


1471 Community-based resource management: Perspectives, experiences and policy issues. resource-based communities community-based resource management policies forestry upland development coastal resources management mines development irrigation San Pablo Palawan

Fellizar, F.P. (ed.)

book ermp reports no. 6

2329 Community-based sustainable tourism guidebook. community-based sustainable tourism monitoring and evaluation SWOT analysis ecological profile cost benefit analysis impact assessment book

13864 Community-level GHG inventory for local government units in the Philippines - User's manual climate change; greenhouse gas emissions; data quality management; stationary combustion; mobile combustion; electricity consumption; agriculture; solid waste; wastewater; forest; land use; industrial processes; emissions; Philippines book

1784 Community-managed initiatives at the forefront of biodiversity conservation. biodiversity conservation livelihood sustainability indigenous people renewable energy

Bennagen, P.L.; Duhaylungsod, N.C.; Ganapin, D.J., Jr.


2127 Companion modeling and multi-agent systems for integrated natural resource management in Asia. multi-agent system model watershed agroforestry companion modeling role-playing games participatory modeling rice land use geographical information system water use shrimp farming remote sensing forest management Thailand Bhutan Philippines

Bousquet, F.; Trebuil, G.; Hardy B. (eds.)


183 Comparative advantage in the livestock and feedstuff sectors in the ASEAN Region livestock feedstuff production Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand livestock products book adb agriculture department staff paper no.2

15729 Comparative analysis between contract and independent broiler growing schemes in Laguna and Batangas broiler growing schemes; chicken production; Laguna; Batangas

Toquero, Zenaida F.; Torres, Rebecca C.; Aragon, Catherine T.


2379 Comparative analysis of aquaculture management in brackish mangrove areas in three Southeast Asian countries. brackish water culture shrimp culture farm management cage culture fish cage culture small-scale coastal aquaculture Philippines Thailand Malaysia

Matsuura, Tsutomu (ed.)

book jircas working report no. 54