ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2454 | Community-based management of coastal resources. | community-based resource management sustainable development coastal fisheries management nongovernmental organizations local government units participatory appraisal San Miguel Bay Aklan Bidani Project Philippines | Siason, Ida M.; Subade, Rodelio F. (eds.) |
book |
1155 | Community-based resource management in the Philippines: Perspectives and experiences | mining irrigation community-based resource management | Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
1471 | Community-based resource management: Perspectives, experiences and policy issues. | resource-based communities community-based resource management policies forestry upland development coastal resources management mines development irrigation San Pablo Palawan | Fellizar, F.P. (ed.) |
book | ermp reports no. 6 |
2329 | Community-based sustainable tourism guidebook. | community-based sustainable tourism monitoring and evaluation SWOT analysis ecological profile cost benefit analysis impact assessment | book |
13864 | Community-level GHG inventory for local government units in the Philippines - User's manual | climate change; greenhouse gas emissions; data quality management; stationary combustion; mobile combustion; electricity consumption; agriculture; solid waste; wastewater; forest; land use; industrial processes; emissions; Philippines | book |
1784 | Community-managed initiatives at the forefront of biodiversity conservation. | biodiversity conservation livelihood sustainability indigenous people renewable energy | Bennagen, P.L.; Duhaylungsod, N.C.; Ganapin, D.J., Jr. |
book |
2127 | Companion modeling and multi-agent systems for integrated natural resource management in Asia. | multi-agent system model watershed agroforestry companion modeling role-playing games participatory modeling rice land use geographical information system water use shrimp farming remote sensing forest management Thailand Bhutan Philippines | Bousquet, F.; Trebuil, G.; Hardy B. (eds.) |
book |
183 | Comparative advantage in the livestock and feedstuff sectors in the ASEAN Region | livestock feedstuff production Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand livestock products | book | adb agriculture department staff paper no.2 |
15729 | Comparative analysis between contract and independent broiler growing schemes in Laguna and Batangas | broiler growing schemes; chicken production; Laguna; Batangas | Toquero, Zenaida F.; Torres, Rebecca C.; Aragon, Catherine T. |
book |
2379 | Comparative analysis of aquaculture management in brackish mangrove areas in three Southeast Asian countries. | brackish water culture shrimp culture farm management cage culture fish cage culture small-scale coastal aquaculture Philippines Thailand Malaysia | Matsuura, Tsutomu (ed.) |
book | jircas working report no. 54 |