ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
347 | Development and operation of agricultural insurance schemes in Asia | Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand agricultural insurances scheme crop insurance livestock insurance | book |
1417 | Development dynamics at the community and household levels : Implications on food security. | Implications on food security. | Land use food security village food availability income expenditure educational attainment households policies | Elazegui, D.D. |
book | working paper no. 00-04 |
2269 | Development issues: Innovations and successes. | education women family planning health care books managerial skills theatre forestry social services Orangi | Tasneem Ahmed Siddiqui (ed.) |
book |
13652 | Development of agricultural technologies in the Mekong Delta to respond to climate change | climate change; agriculture; irrigation; methane emission; grazing cattle; cashew nut shell oil; greenhouse gas production; biogas production; biomass; drought; flood; coconut oil supplementation; emission reduction; snakeskin gourami; Mekong Delta; Vietnam | book |
2519 | Development of agroforestry technology for the rehabilitation of tropical forests. | agroforestry Dryobalanops lanceolata tree species grassland reforestation bamboo medicinal plants Gigantochloa levis Morinda citrifolia forest rehabilitation rubber indigenous tree species Acacia mangium Pleurotus pulmonarius agroforestry teak forest management Sabah Indonesia Malaysia Java | Gotoh, T.; Yokota, Y. (eds.) |
book | jircas working report no. 60 |
14900 | Development of an economic model for evaluation of climate change in the long-run for international agriculture: EMELIA | econometric model; food supply and demand; agricultural products; climate change; world food markets | Furuya, Jun |
book |
1755 | Development of an integrated pest management strategy for eggplant fruit and shoot borer in South Asia. | eggplant fruit and shoot borer biology biological control sex pheromones integrated pest management insect pests health hazards pesticide pest control | Alam, S.N.; Rashid, M.A.; Rouf, F.M.A.; Jhala, R.C.; Patel, J.R.; Satpathy, S.; Shivalingaswamy, T.M. |
book | technical bulletin no. 28 |
957 | Development of animal production systems : World Animal Science, A2. | World Animal Science, A2. | livestock farming land use cattle sheep goats swine equines camels buffalo poultry marketing systems milk production livestock producers | Nestel, B. (ed.) |
book |
14995 | Development of biotechnologies and biotech crops for stable food production under adverse environments and changing climate conditions | biotechnology; biotech crops; food production; climate change; drought-tolerant; rice; wheat; soybean; sugarcane | book | jircas working report no. 91 |
2814 | Development of crops tolerant to adverse environments. | soybean germplasm iron toxicity zinc deficiency genetic resources phosphorus deficiency rice drought tolerance | Wissuwa, M. (ed.) |
book | jircas working report no. 71 |