ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1336 | Diagnosis of honey bee diseases. | bacterial diseases fungal diseases protozoan diseases viral diseases pests honey bees mites | Hachiro Shimanuki; Knox, David A. |
book | agriculture handbook number 690 |
13749 | Dial 'n' for nutrition? A landscape analysis of what we know about m-nutrition, m-agriculture and m-development | nutrition; breastfeed; agriculture; water; sanitation; health; health behavior change; mobile technology; mobile phones; smartphones; gender; farmers; household economics; finance | Barnett, Inka; Scott, Nigel; Batchelor, Simon; Haddad, Lawrence |
book | ids working paper no. 481, 2016 |
677 | Dictionary of cultivated plants and their centres fo diversity: excluding ornamentals, forest trees and lower plants | origin agriculture plant domestication genera species | Zeven, A.C.; Zhukovsky, P.M. |
book |
1911 | Diffusion and transfer of agricultural technology in the Pacific : Reports and papers from the Third Annual Meeting of Cooperators, Vava'u, Kingdom of Tonga, 24-28 Nov 1997. | agricultural development participatory learning and action gender technology transfer | Rogers, S.; Thorpe, P. (eds.) |
book | prap report no. 6 |
16529 | Digital didactical designs: Teaching and learning in CrossActionSpaces | internet; education; teaching; learning; CrossActionSpaces | Jahnke, Isa |
book |
1730 | Digital divide: Determinants and policies with special reference to Asia. | information technologies communication technologies ICT adoption education infrastructure | Quibria, M.G.; Ahmed, Shamsun N.; Tschang, Ted; Reyes-Macasaquit, Mari-Len |
book | erd working paper series no. 27 |
15523 | Digital tools for process documentation: Capturing and mining best practices and lessons learned | process documentation; knowledge management; ICT; digital tools; digital diary; research information; qualitative data; knowledge capture | Flor, Alexander G. |
book |
16127 | Digitalization and food security amidst the changing landscape of Asian agriculture | GPS; agri-tourism; precision agriculture; digital agriculture; digitalization; digital technologies; food security; ICT | Villena, Maria Monina Cecilia A.; Saguiguit, Gil C. Jr.; Burgos, Bessie M.; Cadiz, Maria Celeste H. |
book |
718 | Direct seeded flooded rice in the tropics : Selected papers from the International Rice Research Conference, 27-31 August 1990, Seoul, Korea | rice direct seeded rice Asia India Korea Sri Lanka Australia Italy United States | book |
1656 | Direct seeded rice in Malaysia. | rice industry cultural change direct seeding production | Cheong Ah Wah |
book |