List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1336 Diagnosis of honey bee diseases. bacterial diseases fungal diseases protozoan diseases viral diseases pests honey bees mites

Hachiro Shimanuki; Knox, David A.

book agriculture handbook number 690

13749 Dial 'n' for nutrition? A landscape analysis of what we know about m-nutrition, m-agriculture and m-development nutrition; breastfeed; agriculture; water; sanitation; health; health behavior change; mobile technology; mobile phones; smartphones; gender; farmers; household economics; finance

Barnett, Inka; Scott, Nigel; Batchelor, Simon; Haddad, Lawrence

book ids working paper no. 481, 2016

677 Dictionary of cultivated plants and their centres fo diversity: excluding ornamentals, forest trees and lower plants origin agriculture plant domestication genera species

Zeven, A.C.; Zhukovsky, P.M.


1911 Diffusion and transfer of agricultural technology in the Pacific : Reports and papers from the Third Annual Meeting of Cooperators, Vava'u, Kingdom of Tonga, 24-28 Nov 1997. agricultural development participatory learning and action gender technology transfer

Rogers, S.; Thorpe, P. (eds.)

book prap report no. 6

16529 Digital didactical designs: Teaching and learning in CrossActionSpaces internet; education; teaching; learning; CrossActionSpaces

Jahnke, Isa


1730 Digital divide: Determinants and policies with special reference to Asia. information technologies communication technologies ICT adoption education infrastructure

Quibria, M.G.; Ahmed, Shamsun N.; Tschang, Ted; Reyes-Macasaquit, Mari-Len

book erd working paper series no. 27

15523 Digital tools for process documentation: Capturing and mining best practices and lessons learned process documentation; knowledge management; ICT; digital tools; digital diary; research information; qualitative data; knowledge capture

Flor, Alexander G.


16127 Digitalization and food security amidst the changing landscape of Asian agriculture GPS; agri-tourism; precision agriculture; digital agriculture; digitalization; digital technologies; food security; ICT

Villena, Maria Monina Cecilia A.; Saguiguit, Gil C. Jr.; Burgos, Bessie M.; Cadiz, Maria Celeste H.


718 Direct seeded flooded rice in the tropics : Selected papers from the International Rice Research Conference, 27-31 August 1990, Seoul, Korea rice direct seeded rice Asia India Korea Sri Lanka Australia Italy United States book

1656 Direct seeded rice in Malaysia. rice industry cultural change direct seeding production

Cheong Ah Wah
