List of Books : 3877

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2642 Farming systems and poverty: Improving farmers' livelihoods in a changing world. farming systems poverty hunger agriculture

Dixon, John; Gulliver, Aidan; Gibbon, David


554 Farming systems and production strategies farming systems production strategies soil fertility yam seed production oil palm animal husbandry cropping systems

Essomba, N.B.

book icra farming systems analysis paper no.12 (e)

15717 Farms, food, and futures: Toward inclusive and sustainable agricultural and rural development in Southeast Asia ARD; governance; transformation; regional integration; globalization; poverty; inclusive growth

Habito, Cielito F.; Capistrano, Doris; Saguiguit, Gil C. Jr. (Eds.)


1359 Fatal flaws in food safety assessment : Critique of the joint FAO/WHO biotechnology and food safety report. food safety genetic engineering biotechnology safety assessment

Mae-Wan Ho; Steinbrecher, R.A.

book twn biotechnology and biosafety series 1

1408 Fate of pesticides in the environment : Proceedings of a technical seminar. pesticides organophosphorus carbamate esters insecticides herbicides fungicides bactericides fumigants nematicides volatilization microbial metabolism photodecomposition residues aldicard diazinon malathion phenoxy herbicides

Biggar, J.W.; Seiber, J.N. (eds.)


1452 Feasibility study manual for cooperatives. feasibility study

Whitsitt, Mac E.


1937 Feeds and feeding for inland aquaculture in Mekong Region countries. feeds feeding nutritional requirements aquaculture fish feeding pond culture cage culture feed preparation Cambodia Lao PDR Thailand Vietnam

Edwards, P.; Allan, G.L. (eds.)

book aciar technical reports no. 56

281 Fertilizer policy in Asia and the Pacific : Proceedings of the APO-EWC Seminar on Fertilizer Policy, Manila, Philippines, July 2-6, 1990. supply and demand fertilizers trade marketing training needs

Saleem Ahmed; Clark, A.L. (eds.)


15611 Field guide of discovery-based exercises for mango mango; field guide; integrated pest management; farmer field school; ecosystem book

15621 Field guide to the cultivated plants of the Philippines (Volume 1: commonly cultivated species) cultivated plants; field guide; Philippines

Gentallan, R.P.; Bartolome, M.C.B.; Timog, E.B.S.; Cejalvo, R.D.; Macabecha, C.G.A.; Sienes, R.K.A.; Endonela, L.E.; Borromeo, T.H.; Altoveros, N.C.; Sister, L.E.; de Chavez, H.d.C.
