ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
7992 | Regional distribution of state financial aids for the agricultural sector - Are the winners the rural areas?. | financial assistance, financial aids, promotion intensity, agricultural, | Planki, Reiner |
serials | landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research |
3140 | Regional economic development energy consumption, and carbon emissions in China. | decomposition carbon intensity | Chunhua Wang |
book | eepsea research reports 2014-rr8 |
2994 | Regional economic integration and inclusive growth : Engaging nations, embracing people. | economic integration inclusive growth inclusive growth macroeconomic development manufacturing sector | Aldaba, Rafaelita M.; Navarro, Adoracion M.; Reyes, Celia M.; Yap, Josef T. |
book |
15572 | Regional Experts' Consultation Meeting on Overcoming Obstacles to Agricultural Microfinance in Southeast Asia - Proceedings | farming households; agricultural microfinance; microfinance institutions; sustainability; risks | book |
9488 | Regional Guidelines for Responsible Fisheries in Southeast Asia. | Fishing operations aquaculture fisheries management post-harvest practices fish utilization | cd |
2371 | Regional guidelines for responsible fisheries in Southeast Asia: Responsible fishing operations. | fishing operations fishing gear protection harbors fishing vessels artificial reefs | book |
9181 | Regional impacts of long-term climate change on rice production and agricultural income: Evidence from computable general equilibrium analysis. | agricultural economics, crop-growth model, crop-quality model, productivity, | Yoji Kunimitsu |
serials | japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq) |
10771 | Regional information dissemination on biosafety. | biotechnology genetically modified plants capacity building networking SEA socio-economic technological environmental sustainable agriculture information needs | Tababa, Sonny P. |
biotech |
9466 | Regional Information System on Participatory Natural Resource Management. | participatory natural resource management sustainable resource management lower Mekong basin Mekong river commission upland watershed forest management ethnic minority | cd |
9467 | Regional Information System on Participatory Natural Resource Management. | participatory natural resource management sustainable resource management lower Mekong basin Mekong river commission upland watershed forest management ethnic minority | cd |