List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15708 Recognizing what is rightfully yours: Intellectual property rights ARD; biotechnology; IPR

Garcia, Arnulfo G.; Hautea, Randy A.; Sajise, Percy E.


896 Recollections of a Pacific Entomologist 1925-1966 coconut spike moth banana scab moth Cocos nucifera Pacific islands coconut Indonesia Singapore

Paine, R.W.

book aciar monograph no.27

1373 Recommendations on ways to improve pesticide policy in the Philippines. Philippines pesticides government policies pest management human health

Versteeg, Hajo

book ermp reports no.3

16325 Reconceiving food security and environmental protection food security; environmental protection; food production; grain storage; environmental degradation; agricultural policies

Falvey, Lindsay

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

632 Reconciling agricultural production and sustainability in the uplands of Central Java: A study of the farming systems of two villages in Semarang District, Central Java, Indonesia. A study of the farming systems of two villages in Semarang District, Central Java, Indonesia. farming systems agricultural development soil erosion soil conservation livestock production crop production

Sauer, E.; Williams, C.

book farming systems analysis paper no. 13(e)

8324 Reconsidering food security policy under trade liberalization. food security, food self-efficiency, food self-reliance, trade liberalization, agricultural policy,

Woo, Rhung J.

serials fftc extension bulletin 623

10304 Recording and using indigenous knowledge: a manual. indigenous knowledge intellectual property rights recording methods observation interviewing assessment methodologies case studies question guides audio-visual media diagrams



9195 Recovery of copper form spent solid printed-circuit-board (PCB) wastes of a PCB manufacturing facility by two-step sequential acid extraction electrodeposition, copper, semiconductor, electronics,

Maguyon, Monet Concepcion N.

serials journal of environmental science and management

6699 Recovery of silver as silver nitrate from waste silver chloride in quantitative analysis laboratory. recovery of silver silver chloride silver nitrate

Apisit Songsasen; Niti Poowanathai

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

1403 Recreational value of the coral-surrounded Hon Mun Islands in Vietnam. coral reefs coral reef conservation tourism

Pham Khanh Nam; Tran Vo Hung Son

book eepsea research reports 2001-rr17