ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15708 | Recognizing what is rightfully yours: Intellectual property rights | ARD; biotechnology; IPR | Garcia, Arnulfo G.; Hautea, Randy A.; Sajise, Percy E. |
book |
896 | Recollections of a Pacific Entomologist 1925-1966 | coconut spike moth banana scab moth Cocos nucifera Pacific islands coconut Indonesia Singapore | Paine, R.W. |
book | aciar monograph no.27 |
1373 | Recommendations on ways to improve pesticide policy in the Philippines. | Philippines pesticides government policies pest management human health | Versteeg, Hajo |
book | ermp reports no.3 |
16325 | Reconceiving food security and environmental protection | food security; environmental protection; food production; grain storage; environmental degradation; agricultural policies | Falvey, Lindsay |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
632 | Reconciling agricultural production and sustainability in the uplands of Central Java: A study of the farming systems of two villages in Semarang District, Central Java, Indonesia. | A study of the farming systems of two villages in Semarang District, Central Java, Indonesia. | farming systems agricultural development soil erosion soil conservation livestock production crop production | Sauer, E.; Williams, C. |
book | farming systems analysis paper no. 13(e) |
8324 | Reconsidering food security policy under trade liberalization. | food security, food self-efficiency, food self-reliance, trade liberalization, agricultural policy, | Woo, Rhung J. |
serials | fftc extension bulletin 623 |
10304 | Recording and using indigenous knowledge: a manual. | indigenous knowledge intellectual property rights recording methods observation interviewing assessment methodologies case studies question guides audio-visual media diagrams | IIRR |
purch |
9195 | Recovery of copper form spent solid printed-circuit-board (PCB) wastes of a PCB manufacturing facility by two-step sequential acid extraction | electrodeposition, copper, semiconductor, electronics, | Maguyon, Monet Concepcion N. |
serials | journal of environmental science and management |
6699 | Recovery of silver as silver nitrate from waste silver chloride in quantitative analysis laboratory. | recovery of silver silver chloride silver nitrate | Apisit Songsasen; Niti Poowanathai |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
1403 | Recreational value of the coral-surrounded Hon Mun Islands in Vietnam. | coral reefs coral reef conservation tourism | Pham Khanh Nam; Tran Vo Hung Son |
book | eepsea research reports 2001-rr17 |