List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9559 Recent Trends in Health Statistics in Southeast Asia 1974 - 2000. health statistics population infectious diseases nutrition environmental health socio-economic medical establishments cd

454 Recent trends in health statistics in Southeast Asia 1974-1993 Brunei Indonesia Japan Malaysia Philippines Singapore Thailand population child growth food intake health personnel medical facilities death rates book

10569 Recent trends in seed technology. seed selections plant genetic resources biotechnology methicillin resistant seed germination seed dormancy seed diversity organic agriculture seed coats vegetable seed breeding seed moisture somatoplastic sterility

Mallick, M.S.; Chakraborty, A.K.; Singh, M.P.


8777 Reception of behavior supervision based on Islamic belief among Muslim adolescents in the three Southern-border provinces, Thailand. behavior supervision, Islamic principles, Muslim adolescents,

Kasetchai Laeheem

serials the kasetsart journal

6008 Receptiveness to new technology is part of farming. farming farmers field school land preparation rice

Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

7796 Recirculating water helps aquaculture. water recirculating system, aquaculture, tanks,

Durham, Sharon

serials agriculture magazine

10133 Reclaiming balance: Indigenous peoples, conflict resolution and sustainable development. indigenous people gender ethnicity conflict resolution land rights Limbu Nepal Indonesia India Philippines Mexico Argentina Guatemala Kenya Greenland

Tauli-Corpuz, Victoria; Cariño, Joji (eds.


16058 Reclaiming vanishing resources: Agrobiodiversity agrobiodiversity; plant genetic resources; agriculture; horticulture

Malicsi, Lorna C.

serials searca policy brief series 2007-3

15388 Recognition challenges in implementing the independent campus policy: The case of Indonesia independent campus; student study rights; elective programs; recognition; Indonesia

Agung, I.; Widiputera, F.

serials journal of southeast asian education

14207 Recognizing gender roles in the fisheries value chain: Local fishing communities of Thailand in focus gender; women; fisheries value chain; local fishing communities

Sornkliang, Jariya; Tiaye, Rattana; Yenpoeng, Thana; Kaewtankam, Varuntorn; Pholcharoen, Jasmine

serials fish for the people