List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7969 Reference emission levels for REDD: Implication of four different approaches applied to past period's forest area development in 84 countries. reference emission level, method,

Leischner, Bettina

serials landbauforschung vti agriculture and forestry research

6376 Reference Input Shaping to Reduce the Move Time of a Very Flexible One-Link Manipulator. vibration reduction flexible link command shaping shaped reference inputs quantitative feedback

Withit Chatlatanagulchai; Tanapon Srivongsa; Peter H. Meckl

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

10079 Reference manual on project development and evaluation - Volume 1. project development cycle project evaluation market analysis technical analysis financial analysis economic analysis institutional analysis social impact analysis risk analysis project monitoring purch

16410 Refining greenhouse gas emission factors for Indonesian peatlands and mangroves to meet ambitious climate targets greenhouse gases; gas emissions; peatlands; mangroves; climate change; carbon sequestration

Murdiyarso, D.; Swails, E.; Hergoualc’h, K.; Bhomia, R.; Sasmito, S.D.


8249 Reflections on the missing actors and institutions: The case of rhizobium inoculants bio-innovation in Madhya Pradesh, India. rhizobium inoculants, bio-innovation, bio-fertilizers, innovation system, institutions, Madhya Pradesh,

Sangar, Sunita

serials asian biotechnology and development review

4604 Reforestation species: Akle and bagtikan. Serialbizia acle, Parashorea mataanonan, botanical description, distribution, uses, propagation, nursery practices, plantation establishment, pests of plants, plant diseases, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

4596 Reforestation species: Api-api, bungalon-puti, bungalon, and pagatpat. Avicennia officinales, Avicennia marina, Sonneratia alba, mangrove species, morphological characteristics, botanical description, uses, distribution, site requirements, propagation, seed technology, plantation establishment, pests of plants, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

4603 Reforestation species: Bayog and kauayan. Bambusa blumeana, Bambusa blumeana, botanical description, distribution, uses, propagation, nursery practices, plantation establishment, pests of plants, plant diseases, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

4595 Reforestation species: datiles, calliandra, malapapaya Muntingia calabura, Calliandra calothyrsus, Polyscias nodosa, distribution, botanical description, uses, propagation, site requirements, nursery practices, seed technology, plantation establishment, phenology, pests of plants, plant diseases, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems

4605 Reforestation species: Gubas and mangium. Endospermum peltatum, Acacia mangium, botanical description, distribution, uses, propagation, nursery practices, plantation establishment, pests of plants, plant diseases, serials rise: research information series on ecosystems