ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
14462 | Rearticulating home: absent voices | deconstruction; word-play; differance; chora/choral spaces; home/homelessness | Navarro, Ellaine Joy C. |
serials | up los banos journal |
14461 | Reason, emotion and action: A phenomenological analysis | reason; emotions; action; compassion; sympathy; love; fear; anxiety; envy; jealousy | Lat, Marlon Reyes |
serials | up los banos journal |
14580 | Reasons to plant Musang King durian | durian; fruits; Musang King; varieties | Pamplona, Pablito P. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15707 | Reasserting the rural development agenda: Lessons learned and emerging challenges in Asia | food security; poverty reduction; irrigation; water resource management; green revolution; ARD; agricultural extension systems | Balisacan, Arsenio M.; Fuwa, Nobuhiko |
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16669 | Reassessing the impact of the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program: Results of the third wave impact evaluation | impact evaluation; social protection strategy; poverty; children; health; education; household welfare; Philippines | Orbeta, Aniceto C. Jr.; Melad, Kris Ann M.; Araos, Nina Victoria V. |
book | research paper series no. 2023-06 |
16079 | Rebuilding Myanmar's agriculture after cyclone Nargis | cyclone nargis; climate change; Myanmar; policy brief | Oo, Khin; Myint, Theingi |
serials | searca policy brief series 2010-1 |
15153 | Rebuilding the farm-to-fork model: A resilient agricultural food supply chain | food supply chain; technologies; production; processing; distribution; retail; institutional support; safety | serials | policy brief |
15121 | Recarbonizing global soils – A technical manual of recommended management practices. Volume 1 – Introduction and methodology | soil management; sustainable use; soil organic carbon; carbon sequestration; carbon stock assessments; soil conservation; good practices; case studies; methodology; sustainable development goals | FAO, ITPS |
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14457 | Recasting neoliberalism in urban spaces: Bucheon, South Korea and Valenzuela, Philippines | urban studies; neoliberalism; decentralization; city agency; local governance | Dagandan, Horeb Eliot S. |
serials | up los banos journal |
13188 | Recent advances in diagnosis and prevention of fish and shrimp diseases in Southeast Asia | Terminal Report of the Regional Fish Disease Project on Development of Fish Disease Inspection Methodologies for Artificially-Bred Seeds | biology; pathogenesis; diseases; shrimp; Penaeus monodon; grouper; Epinephelus malabaricus; viral nervous necrosis; luminous vibriosis; crab; Scylla serata; parasitic diseases; marine fish; freshwater fish; chemical residues; aquaculture products; koi; Cypinus carpio; herpesvirus; epizootiology; | book |