List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15656 Recent advances in green technology and Industrial Revolution 4.0 for a sustainable future green technology; environmental biotechnology; environmental economies; bio-based materials; sustainable transitions; Fourth Industrial Revolution; post-COVID-19

Bradu, Pragya; Biswas, Antara; Nair, Chandralekha; Sreevalsakumar, Salini; Patil, Megha; Kannampuzha, Sandra; Mukherjee, Anirban Goutam; Wanjari, Uddesh Ramesh; Renu, Kaviyarasi; Vellingiri, Balachandar; Gopalakrishnan, Abilash Valsala


4054 Recent advances in sex pheromone studies on the white-spotted longicorn beetle, Anoplophora malasiaca. pest insects, contact pheromone, hydrocarbons, mating behavior, Anoplophora malasiaca,

Fukaya, Midori

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

7596 Recent advances in sorghum improvement research at ICRISAT. sorghum, genetic enhancement, hybrid,

Belum V.S. Reddy

serials the kasetsart journal

16182 Recent changes in the bioeconomics of lobster and mud crab mariculture in Vietnam mud crab; spiny lobster; bioeconomics; mariculture; Vietnam

Petersen, Elizabeth H.; Glencross, Brett D.; Truong Ha Phuong; Vu An Tuan; Le Anh Tuan

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

1497 Recent developments in acacia planting: Proceedings of an international workshop held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 27-30 Oct 1997. acacia silviculture genetic improvement clonal tests insect pests inoculation wood properties Vietnam Philippines Australia Malaysia Thailand China

Turnbull, J.W.; Crompton, H.R.; Pinyopusarerk, K. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 82

1370 Recent developments, status and gaps in participatory watershed management education and training in Asia. Gender education training sustainability human resource development watershed management upland community forestry land use

Sharma, Prem N. (ed.)

book pwmta-farm field document no.6

5092 Recent information on the trade of Indonesian parrots in the Philippines. cockatoos, lories, wildlife monitoring, bird smuggling, pet trade, endangered bird trade, birds, parrots, Mindanao,

Lepiten-Tabao, M.V.

serials sylvatrop: the technical journal of philippine ecosystems and natural resources

9033 Recent progress for lipase-catalysed synthesis of sugar fatty acid esters. biobased surfactant, lipase, sugar esters, ionic liquid, solvent-free bioconversions,

Ran Ye

serials journal of oil palm research

818 Recent research on bamboos: Proceedings of the International Bamboo Workshop, October 6-14, 1985, Hangzhou, People's Republic of China bamboos research Phyllostachys heteroclada Phyllostachys pubescens growth seedlings cultivation production diseases socio-economics rural development genetic diversity propagation utilization Indonesia Malaysia Philippines Thailand

Rao, A.N.; Dhanarajan, G.; Sastry, C.B. (eds.)


8325 Recent technology on bio-remediation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and pesticides. hexachlorobenzene, dieldrin, s-triazine, bioremediation,

Takagi, Kazuhiro

serials fftc extension bulletin 622