ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2092 | Regional trading arrangements among developing countries: The ASEAN example. | free trade tariff trading system import restrictions trade policies trade relations AFTA ASEAN | DeRosa, Dean A. |
book |
14001 | Regional training manual on disaster risk reduction for coastal zone managers | disaster risk reduction; climate change adaptation; coastal risk; natural hazards; impacts | Rego, Loy; Sinha, Arghya |
book |
1576 | Regional water and soil assessment for managing sustainable agriculture in China and Australia | China Australia water balance modelling land degradation soil acidity alkalinity soil moisture nutrients spatial information systems technology transfer ecosystem rehabilitation agricultural sustainability geographical information system soil erosion soil saturation | McVicar, Tim R.; Li Rui; Walker, Joe; Fitzpatrick, Rob W.; Liu Changming (eds.) |
book | aciar monograph no. 84 |
2476 | Regional workshop on agroforestry education in Southeast Asia, 23-27 March 1998, University of the Philippines Los Baños. | agroforestry education training Indonesia Lao PDR Philippines Thailand Vietnam | Rudebjer, Per G.; Del Castillo, Romulo A.; Lai, Chun K.; Verbist, Bruno |
book |
6733 | Regression models of soil and water losses from various erosion control measures in Mae Sa integrated watershed and forest land-use project : Chiang Mai. | Chiang Mai. | regression models soil and water losses conservation measures | Nipon Tangtham; Aphinan Korporn |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
11807 | Regrowth and nutritive value of Setaria splendida Stapf at different cutting intervals and levels of nitrogen fertilization | agronomy weed invasion nutritive value Setaria splendida nitrogen fertilization Philippines | Rahman Sy, A. |
theses |
1919 | Regulating access to biological and genetic resources in the Philippines : A manual on the implementation of Executive Order No. 247. | legislation executive orders genetic resources academic research agreement commercial research agreement prior informed consent Philippines | La Viña, A.G.M.; Caleda, M.J.L.; Baylon, M.L.L. (eds.) |
book |
16473 | Regulating and managing water resources | water resources; planning; project formulation; integrated water resources development; environmental aspects; hydrology; ground water management; water harvesting; rain water harvesting; integrated water resources development; regulation; water rights | Poole, Victor |
purch |
10859 | Regulating the products of biotechnology. | biotechnology genetically modified plants environmental safety human health pest resistance Bacillus thuringiensis food safety herbicide tolerance transgenic plants risk assessment | McCammon, Sally L. |
biotech |
11264 | Regulating transgenic plants: the experience of USDA and assessment for release in centers of origin. | transgenic squash policy biotechnology risk assessment regulations food safety environmental safety | Payne, John |
biotech |