List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2092 Regional trading arrangements among developing countries: The ASEAN example. free trade tariff trading system import restrictions trade policies trade relations AFTA ASEAN

DeRosa, Dean A.


14001 Regional training manual on disaster risk reduction for coastal zone managers disaster risk reduction; climate change adaptation; coastal risk; natural hazards; impacts

Rego, Loy; Sinha, Arghya


1576 Regional water and soil assessment for managing sustainable agriculture in China and Australia China Australia water balance modelling land degradation soil acidity alkalinity soil moisture nutrients spatial information systems technology transfer ecosystem rehabilitation agricultural sustainability geographical information system soil erosion soil saturation

McVicar, Tim R.; Li Rui; Walker, Joe; Fitzpatrick, Rob W.; Liu Changming (eds.)

book aciar monograph no. 84

2476 Regional workshop on agroforestry education in Southeast Asia, 23-27 March 1998, University of the Philippines Los Baños. agroforestry education training Indonesia Lao PDR Philippines Thailand Vietnam

Rudebjer, Per G.; Del Castillo, Romulo A.; Lai, Chun K.; Verbist, Bruno


6733 Regression models of soil and water losses from various erosion control measures in Mae Sa integrated watershed and forest land-use project : Chiang Mai. Chiang Mai. regression models soil and water losses conservation measures

Nipon Tangtham; Aphinan Korporn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

11807 Regrowth and nutritive value of Setaria splendida Stapf at different cutting intervals and levels of nitrogen fertilization agronomy weed invasion nutritive value Setaria splendida nitrogen fertilization Philippines

Rahman Sy, A.


1919 Regulating access to biological and genetic resources in the Philippines : A manual on the implementation of Executive Order No. 247. legislation executive orders genetic resources academic research agreement commercial research agreement prior informed consent Philippines

La Viña, A.G.M.; Caleda, M.J.L.; Baylon, M.L.L. (eds.)


16473 Regulating and managing water resources water resources; planning; project formulation; integrated water resources development; environmental aspects; hydrology; ground water management; water harvesting; rain water harvesting; integrated water resources development; regulation; water rights

Poole, Victor


10859 Regulating the products of biotechnology. biotechnology genetically modified plants environmental safety human health pest resistance Bacillus thuringiensis food safety herbicide tolerance transgenic plants risk assessment

McCammon, Sally L.


11264 Regulating transgenic plants: the experience of USDA and assessment for release in centers of origin. transgenic squash policy biotechnology risk assessment regulations food safety environmental safety

Payne, John
