ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
10707 | Report of the sunflower working group. | sunflower Helianthus annuus cross-pollination transgene herbicide tolerance pest resistance | Snow, Allison |
biotech |
621 | Report of the task force on the damage caused by the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo and proposed rehabilitation/restoration measures | soil productivity economy rehabilitation volcanic ash volcanic eruption Philippines | book |
475 | Report of the tenth session of the FAO regional commission on farm management for Asia and the Far East, Bangkok, Thailand, 6-9 December 1989. | Farm management Farming systems Agroforestry Small farms Livestock Cropping patterns Conservation farming Rainfed areas | book | rapa publications 1990/4 |
10756 | Report of the the Royal Commission on genetic modification. | genetic genetic engineering breeding hybridization biotechnology integrated pest management environmental risk | biotech |
11045 | Report of the training workshop on biotechnology : Principles, applications, issues and concerns | biotechnology environmental safety food safety NOMCARRD biosafety PCARRD SEARCA-BIC ISAAA genetically modified food transgenic crops | biotech |
11050 | Report of the training workshop on biotechnology : Principles, applications, issues and concerns | Principles, applications, issues and concerns / | biotechnology environmental safety food safety Bt corn biosafety PCARRD SEARCA-BIC ISAAA | biotech |
11094 | Report of the training workshop on biotechnology : Principles, applications, issues and concerns | biotechnology environmental safety food safety SMARRDEC biosafety PCARRD SEARCA-BIC ISAAA genetically modified food transgenic crops | biotech |
10705 | Report of the turfgrasses working group. | pest resistance turfgrasses pests diseases genetic engineering crop management weed management risk assessment small-scale cross-pollination | Quemada, Hector |
biotech |
1782 | Report of the workshop on population characteristics and change in coastal fishing communities. | fisheries overfishing artisanal fishing population exploitation Bangladesh Philippines Malaysia India Tanzania | book | fao fisheries report no. 566 |
2534 | Report on a review of ACIAR-funded projects on Rhizobium during 1983-2004. | Rhizobium community impacts research | Herridge, David F. |
book | aciar working paper no. 62 |