ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
2694 | Report of the 31st RECA Seminar on Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications for Agricultural and Rural Development held at IDACA, Tokyo, Japa. | geographic information system agricultural and rural development water harvesting remote sensing | book |
10701 | Report of the berry working group (strawberry, raspberry/blackberry, blueberry). | domesticated crops pest resistance plant pathogens weed management nematode resistance glyphosate resistance fungal resistance plant pathogens rubus spp. | Rosskopf, Erin |
biotech |
10702 | Report of the brassica crops working group. | brassicaceae pest resistance hybridization risk assessment | Neeser, Chris |
biotech |
10703 | Report of the cucurbit working group. | cucurbita pepo spp. pest resistance production patterns cropping systems herbicide resistance transgenic | McCreight, James D.; Staub, Jack |
biotech |
1540 | Report of the first phase strategic research : Forest conservation. | Forest conservation forest management Uruguay Round Trade Agreement | book |
10704 | Report of the grains working group (rice. sorgum and wheat). | pest resistance rice wheat plant breeding wild rice red rice johnsongrass | Mitten, Donna |
biotech |
2054 | Report of the national rural youth workshop on rural youth, food security and sustainable rural development in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. | rural youth youth organizations agriculture food security education community learning centers employment challenges drugs Lao PDR | book |
10706 | Report of the poplar working group. | poplar populus seed ecology vegetative regeneration biotechnology genetic inertia pest resistance pathogen resistance insect resistance herbicide resistance | Strauss, Steve |
biotech |
10757 | Report of the Royal Commission on genetic modification. | genetic genetic modification DNA environmental risk genetic engineering biotechnology GMOs : genetically modified organisms biodiversity genetic engineering transgenic | biotech |
1946 | Report of the Second General Assembly of International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet), 23-24 July 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. | tropical fruits fruit production species on-farm conservation uses marketing fruit industry cooperatives sustainability Asia Bangladesh Fiji Malaysia Philippines | book |