List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2694 Report of the 31st RECA Seminar on Geographic Information System (GIS) Applications for Agricultural and Rural Development held at IDACA, Tokyo, Japa. geographic information system agricultural and rural development water harvesting remote sensing book

10701 Report of the berry working group (strawberry, raspberry/blackberry, blueberry). domesticated crops pest resistance plant pathogens weed management nematode resistance glyphosate resistance fungal resistance plant pathogens rubus spp.

Rosskopf, Erin


10702 Report of the brassica crops working group. brassicaceae pest resistance hybridization risk assessment

Neeser, Chris


10703 Report of the cucurbit working group. cucurbita pepo spp. pest resistance production patterns cropping systems herbicide resistance transgenic

McCreight, James D.; Staub, Jack


1540 Report of the first phase strategic research : Forest conservation. Forest conservation forest management Uruguay Round Trade Agreement book

10704 Report of the grains working group (rice. sorgum and wheat). pest resistance rice wheat plant breeding wild rice red rice johnsongrass

Mitten, Donna


2054 Report of the national rural youth workshop on rural youth, food security and sustainable rural development in the Lao People's Democratic Republic. rural youth youth organizations agriculture food security education community learning centers employment challenges drugs Lao PDR book

10706 Report of the poplar working group. poplar populus seed ecology vegetative regeneration biotechnology genetic inertia pest resistance pathogen resistance insect resistance herbicide resistance

Strauss, Steve


10757 Report of the Royal Commission on genetic modification. genetic genetic modification DNA environmental risk genetic engineering biotechnology GMOs : genetically modified organisms biodiversity genetic engineering transgenic biotech

1946 Report of the Second General Assembly of International Tropical Fruits Network (TFNet), 23-24 July 2003, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. tropical fruits fruit production species on-farm conservation uses marketing fruit industry cooperatives sustainability Asia Bangladesh Fiji Malaysia Philippines book