ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
1165 | Research and development and commercialization of hemorrhagic septicemia vaccine in cattle. | septicemia vaccine animal health services producers cattle raising cost structure | Chupungco, A.R. |
book | working paper no. 01-05 |
1339 | Research and development highlights of the NARRDS : 1988-1992. | marine fisheries aquatic resources management aquaculture inland fisheries coastal resources management tuna fisheries red tide oceanography seaweeds coral reef | book | pcamrd book series no.16/1993 |
474 | Research and Development of Fruits in the Asia-Pacific Region | fruit production germplasm trade planting materials | Singh, R.B. (ed.) |
book | rapa publication 1993/9 |
8071 | Research and development of science education and multimedia materials in the Japanese education context. | multimedia, Japan, information technologies, | Shinohara, Fuhimiko |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
7462 | Research and Development of Small Riding Mower. | mower, small riding, | Mongkol Kwangwaropas |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
6961 | Research and development of the cannon type orchard mistblower. | mist blower | Mongkol Kwangwaropas; Narong Onkong |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
7317 | Research and Development of the Propeller Type Orchard Mistblower. | mistblower | Mongkol Kwangwarapas; Narong Onkong |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
779 | Research and development prospects for faba bean : Report of a workshop held in Melbourne, Australia, March 28-29, 1994 | Faba beans Industry Marketing International trade Productivity Germplasm | Piggin, Colin; Lack, Steven (eds.) |
book | aciar technical reports no.29 |
2025 | Research and development strategies for the livestock sector in South-East Asia through national and international partnerships : Proceedings of a workshop held in Bangkok, thailand, 11-15 March 2002 | livestock poultry enterprise poverty meat markets investment feeds genetics genomics research halal extenders meat processing FMD HACCP APHCA HOPE-A | A.S. Frio; G.D. Gray. (eds.) |
book |
1276 | Research and development systems and linkages for a viable grain post-harvest industry in the humid topics : Proceedings of the eighth ASEAN technical seminar on grain post-harvest technology. | pest biology pest control grain handling storage grain drying postharvest technology economics extension | Semple, R.L.; Frio, A.S. |
book |