List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
8232 Renewable energies for North and central Asian countries: Bioeconomics, environment and social impact. renewable energy, Asia, bioeconomy, society,

Iacomelli, Aldo

serials asian biotechnology and development review

10606 Renewable energy and climate change. energy supply energy needs climate change carbon dioxide emissions photovoltaics solar thermal systems solar power plants wind power systems hydropower plants geothermal energy heat pumps biomass hydrogen industry fuel cells

Quaschning, Volker


1073 Renewable energy sources for rural areas in Asia and the Pacific renewable energy wind energy biomass system solar energy book

4298 Renewable energy-based drying systems in the Philippines. biomass, dryer, solar energy, equipment,

ElepaƱo, A.R.

serials agriculture

10605 Renewable energy: Physics, engineering, environmental impacts, economics and planning. energy sources renewable energy technologies energy transmission heat storage climate change socioeconomic assessment bioenergy conversion electrochemical energy conversion solar radiation conversion greenhouse warming mitigation

Sorensen, Bent


7549 Renewable Utilization of Cassava Coat Solid Waste Using Fungal Enzyme Technology. value-added products, cassava, Rhizopus stolonifers, polygalacturonase, Aspergillus niger, glucoamylase,

Phuntip Poonpairoj

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

10802 Rent creation and distribution from the first three years of planting Bt cotton. biotechnology Bt cotton

Falck-Zepeda, Jose Benjamin, Jose Benjamin; Traxler, G; Nelson, R.G.

biotech isaaa briefs no. 14

8225 Reorientation of agricultural research for addressing food security issues through agricultural biotechnology. biotechnology, agricultural, research planning, research prioritization, food security, plants,

Singh, Harbir

serials asian biotechnology and development review

6492 Repeatability, Optimal Sample Size of Measurement and Phenotypic Correlations of Quantitative Traits in Guava. Psidium guajava breeding quantitative trait analysis fruit qualities

Kriengsak Thaipong; Unaroj Boonprakob

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

12552 Replacement of fish meal by poultry by-product meal, corn gluten meal and soybean meal in the diets of seabass (Lates calcarifer) fingerlings. fish meal soybean meal corn gluten poultry by-product meal seabass fishes

Thanh Hai Hoang
