ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
8232 | Renewable energies for North and central Asian countries: Bioeconomics, environment and social impact. | renewable energy, Asia, bioeconomy, society, | Iacomelli, Aldo |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
10606 | Renewable energy and climate change. | energy supply energy needs climate change carbon dioxide emissions photovoltaics solar thermal systems solar power plants wind power systems hydropower plants geothermal energy heat pumps biomass hydrogen industry fuel cells | Quaschning, Volker |
purch |
1073 | Renewable energy sources for rural areas in Asia and the Pacific | renewable energy wind energy biomass system solar energy | book |
4298 | Renewable energy-based drying systems in the Philippines. | biomass, dryer, solar energy, equipment, | ElepaƱo, A.R. |
serials | agriculture |
10605 | Renewable energy: Physics, engineering, environmental impacts, economics and planning. | energy sources renewable energy technologies energy transmission heat storage climate change socioeconomic assessment bioenergy conversion electrochemical energy conversion solar radiation conversion greenhouse warming mitigation | Sorensen, Bent |
purch |
7549 | Renewable Utilization of Cassava Coat Solid Waste Using Fungal Enzyme Technology. | value-added products, cassava, Rhizopus stolonifers, polygalacturonase, Aspergillus niger, glucoamylase, | Phuntip Poonpairoj |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
10802 | Rent creation and distribution from the first three years of planting Bt cotton. | biotechnology Bt cotton | Falck-Zepeda, Jose Benjamin, Jose Benjamin; Traxler, G; Nelson, R.G. |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 14 |
8225 | Reorientation of agricultural research for addressing food security issues through agricultural biotechnology. | biotechnology, agricultural, research planning, research prioritization, food security, plants, | Singh, Harbir |
serials | asian biotechnology and development review |
6492 | Repeatability, Optimal Sample Size of Measurement and Phenotypic Correlations of Quantitative Traits in Guava. | Psidium guajava breeding quantitative trait analysis fruit qualities | Kriengsak Thaipong; Unaroj Boonprakob |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12552 | Replacement of fish meal by poultry by-product meal, corn gluten meal and soybean meal in the diets of seabass (Lates calcarifer) fingerlings. | fish meal soybean meal corn gluten poultry by-product meal seabass fishes | Thanh Hai Hoang |
theses |