ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4610 | The sweet prospects of sweet sampalok. | tamarind, spacing, outplanting, fruiting, planting, | Sarian, Z.B. |
serials | agriculture |
16628 | The SWS surveys of Philippine hunger, 1998–2024 | economic well-being; household surveys; hunger; poverty | Mangahas, Mahar K.; Torres, Christine Belle |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
14047 | The tales of two agricultures: Philippines and Vietnam | agriculture; area; yield; production value; exports | Dy, Rolando |
serials | agriculture magazine |
12987 | The taste of high-impact success | cacao growing Philippine cacao industry Endeavor Entrepreneur | serials | agriculture magazine |
8913 | The taxonomy and utilization of two closely related Philippine Pandanus species (Pandanus odoratissimus L.F. and P. tectorius Parkinson. | Philippine Pandan, handicraft, ecology, morphology, taxonomy, | Escobin, Ramiro P. |
serials | philippine forestry products journal |
11916 | The teacher education program of the Bureau of Vocational Education | agricultural education Agricultural education Philippines | Cachola, Felipe B. |
theses |
8259 | The teaching and learning of chemical kinetics supported with MS Excel. | chemical kinetics, MS Excel, learning, | Sharifuddin Md Zain |
serials | journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia |
11402 | The technological edge. | risk communication risk management risk assessment DA Administrative Order no. 8 sugar virgin coconut oil pineapple mango research & development organic fertilizer bacterial blight tungro vitamin A rice lauric acid coconut abaca papaya biotechnology Segfredo Serrano genetically modified : GM environment intellectual property rights : IPR DA Biotech Program food security sustainable industry development genetic modification | Salvador, Roja |
biotech | biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology |
14553 | The technology trap: Where human error and malevolence meet powerful technologies | technology; accidents; terrorism; dangerous technologies | Dumas, Lloyd J. |
book |
2223 | The technology triangle: Linking farmers, technology transfer agents, and agricultural researchers. | diffusion of research extension activities farming systems research management research technology transfer structural linkage mechanisms | Merrill-Sands, Deborah; Kaimowitz, David; Sayce, Kay; Chater, Simon |
book |