List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3813 The world's first oral vaccine for shrimps. Shrimp, antibiotics, vaccine, immune mechanisms, aquaculture,

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture

13768 The world's rice bowl: Protected in perpetuity rice; genebanks; crop collections; IRRI serials agriculture magazine

9930 The worldwide fundraiser's handbook: A resource mobilisation guide for NGOs and community organizations. fundraising self-financing communication skills individual donors government grants international grant foundations business sponsorship advertising volunteers donors

Norton, Michael


9717 The Y2K Project Experience : Yamang Kabataan at Komunidad. education, learning, multiple intelligence theory, curriculum development, community capacity building, social marketing, knowledge building, learning style model, career intelligence matching, cd

69 The yen depreciation and its implications for East and Southeast Asia. Japanese Yen financial markets trade merchandise exports

Brooks, Douglas H.; Felipe, Jesus; Rana Hasan; Siregar, Reza Y.

book edrc briefing notes number 1

5069 Their impacts and management: Invasive aquatic animals in the Philippines. animal introduction, introduced species, fishes, white goby, eleotrid, golden apple snail, quarantine,

Guerrero, R.D. III

serials asean biodiversity

14270 Theo Angelo Aves Garcia: A young man's vision to uplift the life of every Filipino farmer through the products he makes agribusiness

Lacson, Sahlie P.

serials agriculture magazine

4062 Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of a remotely measurable plant transpiration transfer coefficient. agro-meteorology, remote sensing, surface temperature, transpiration rate,

Qiu, Guo Yu

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

5249 Theoretical study of enantiomer recognition of B-butyrolactone by acetyl cyclodextrins. cyclodextrins, enantiomer recognition, molecular mechanics,

Parasuk, W.

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

9991 Theories of personality. personality psychoanalysis theory defense mechanisms individual psychology analytical psychology Object Relations Theory humanistic psychoanalysis interpersonal theory psychosocial development psychotherapy motivation existential psychology hierarchy of needs stages of development abnormal development conditioning

Feist, Jess; Feist, Gregory J.
