List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
562 The vicious circle of hunger and indebtedness: Analysis of the farming system of South-East Bombali District Sierra Leone Rice Tobacco Farming systems Income

Binder, K.

book farming systems analysis paper no.3(e)

13153 The videomaker handbook: A comprehensive guide to making video cinematography; video recording; production purch

11910 The Vo-Ag program of the World Bank-supported experimental agricultural high schools in the Philippines agricultural education agricultural education Philippines

Esteban, Pedro L.


11922 The vocational agriculture program at the lower secondary schools in Thailand agricultural education vocational agriculture program secondary schools Thailand

Niyom Srinoparut


1880 The water and poverty initiative: What we can learn and what we must do. water poverty initiatives water management governance water services economic growth capacity development disaster prevention environment

Frans, D.; Soussan, J.

book water for all, series 3

5778 The water crisis is for real. water crisis deforestation population

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

9437 The water hyacinth: Boon or bane?. hyacinth, water lily, weeds,

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

10670 The water, food, energy and climate nexus: Challenges and an agenda for action sustainable development food energy environment water renewable energy urban sanitation resilience business purch

3030 The way to CO2 emission reduction and the co-benefits of local air pollution control in China's transportation sector: A policy and economic analysis. carbon dioxide emission air pollution China transportation climate change dendritical technical structure transportation sector Canadian Integrated Modeling System policy instruments clean energy vehicle subsidy

Mao Xianqiang; Yang Shuqian; Liu Qin


10272 The weather makers: How man is changing the climate and what it means for life on earth. global warming climate change carbon dioxide storms

Flannery, Tim
