ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16537 | The value of economic discourse: Conversations that matter | academic discourse; dialogue; conversations | Miranda, Twyla T.; Herr, Jeffrey |
book |
2287 | The value of mortality risk reduction for children in Metro Manila, inferred from parents' willingness to pay for dengue vaccines. | life dengue mortality vaccination children willingness to pay Metro Manila Philippines | Palanca-Tan, Rosalina |
book | research report no. 2007-rr4 |
15265 | The value of studying words and deep thinking using semantic maps in a Japanese reading class | semantic maps; Japanese literary texts; Sato's essays; students; teachers | Hikaru Katsuta |
serials | journal of southeast asian education |
11936 | The values and validity of group informant survey technique in program planning | agricultural education values survey technique program planning | Yuwat Vuthimedhi |
theses |
609 | The values of Philippine coastal resources: why protection and management are critical | coastal resources coral reefs mangroves forest ecosystems fisheries water quality pollution | White, A.T.; Trinidad, A.C. |
book |
6651 | The variations among isolates of sugarcane mosaic virus in Thailand as determined by virus-host interaction. | sugarcane mosaic virus : variations of sugarcane mosaic virus : Thailand sugarcane corn sorghum ELISA symptom virus titer | Alemu L. Gemechu; Pissawan Chiemsombat; Supat Attathom; Rewat Lersrutaiyotin; Kanungnit Reanwarakorn |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |
12899 | The Venus flytrap | carnivorous plant propagation pests | Ong, Ray |
serials | agriculture magazine |
8295 | The versatile cucumber. | cucumber, uses, salad, medicinal use, | Tacio, Henrylito D. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
15513 | The viability of high-temperature storage for smallholder onion farmers in Nueva Ecija, Philippines | peak production; losses; market glut, incremental income; economic return | Idago, Rodelio G.; Flores, Edgar D.; Malanon, Hernaiz G.; Miranda, Domingo R. |
serials | asian journal of postharvest and mechanization |
6556 | The viability of taura syndrome virus in low-salinity water. | pacific white shrimp taura syndrome virus low-salinity water | Niti Chuchird; Chalor Limsuwan |
serials | the kasetsart journal : natural science |