List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16537 The value of economic discourse: Conversations that matter academic discourse; dialogue; conversations

Miranda, Twyla T.; Herr, Jeffrey


2287 The value of mortality risk reduction for children in Metro Manila, inferred from parents' willingness to pay for dengue vaccines. life dengue mortality vaccination children willingness to pay Metro Manila Philippines

Palanca-Tan, Rosalina

book research report no. 2007-rr4

15265 The value of studying words and deep thinking using semantic maps in a Japanese reading class semantic maps; Japanese literary texts; Sato's essays; students; teachers

Hikaru Katsuta

serials journal of southeast asian education

11936 The values and validity of group informant survey technique in program planning agricultural education values survey technique program planning

Yuwat Vuthimedhi


609 The values of Philippine coastal resources: why protection and management are critical coastal resources coral reefs mangroves forest ecosystems fisheries water quality pollution

White, A.T.; Trinidad, A.C.


6651 The variations among isolates of sugarcane mosaic virus in Thailand as determined by virus-host interaction. sugarcane mosaic virus : variations of sugarcane mosaic virus : Thailand sugarcane corn sorghum ELISA symptom virus titer

Alemu L. Gemechu; Pissawan Chiemsombat; Supat Attathom; Rewat Lersrutaiyotin; Kanungnit Reanwarakorn

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

12899 The Venus flytrap carnivorous plant propagation pests

Ong, Ray

serials agriculture magazine

8295 The versatile cucumber. cucumber, uses, salad, medicinal use,

Tacio, Henrylito D.

serials agriculture magazine

15513 The viability of high-temperature storage for smallholder onion farmers in Nueva Ecija, Philippines peak production; losses; market glut, incremental income; economic return

Idago, Rodelio G.; Flores, Edgar D.; Malanon, Hernaiz G.; Miranda, Domingo R.

serials asian journal of postharvest and mechanization

6556 The viability of taura syndrome virus in low-salinity water. pacific white shrimp taura syndrome virus low-salinity water

Niti Chuchird; Chalor Limsuwan

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science