List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13745 THink - The HEAD Foundation Digest - Bridging the gaps higher education; learning; digital age; disabled people; arts; youth; agriculture; international students; economy; food; Cambodia book

16349 Think again: The power of knowing what you don't know individual rethinking; interpersonal rethinking; collective rethinking

Grant, Adam


14049 Thinking of of the box - Innovations for sustainable vegetable sufficiency in our community sustainable vegetable; production; marketing; supply chain

Barcelona, Arsenio

serials agriculture magazine

16351 Thinking, fast and slow heuristics; biases; overconfidence; illusion; intuitions; choices

Kahneman, Daniel


11431 Third Biotechnology Conference kicks off in Manila. biotechnology biotech policy regulatory development agricultural biotechnology intellectual property rights biomedical environmental bioethics commercialization bioremediation biosafety genetic engineering niches biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

3118 Third National Climate Conference: Climate-related Risks and Disasters. disaster risk reduction book

6108 This congressman produces vermicompost. vermicompost earthworms

Guerrero III, Rafael D.

serials agriculture magazine

8966 This D.A. R&D station's main focus is rice and citrus. rice, citrus, Lucban, pomelo,

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

4370 This Engineer also produces "Ulang". Macrobrachium rosenbergii, prawn, hatchery, pond culture, animal feeding, income,

Guerrero, R.D.

serials agriculture

4273 This entrepreneur makes good as an aquarium fish producer. aquarium fish, enterprise, animal breeding, Arowana, Scleropages formosus,

Guerrero, R.D. III

serials agriculture