List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9332 To produce a bumper mango crop. 18th National Mango Congress and Summit, flower induction, foliar fertilization, Ilocos Norte, Philippine Mango Industry Foundation, serials agriculture magazine

16116 To regulate, or not to regulate, the answer to the question: The NCBP policy on plant breeding innovations or new breeding techniques regulatory policy; new breeding techniques; plant breeding innovations; NBT; PBI; Philippines

Agbagala, Ma. Lorelie U. Agbagala

serials searca policy brief series 2022

16585 To the rescue - How Rural Rising is saving farmers from the perennial problem of oversupply over-production; market disruptions; consumers; wholesale price; community pantries; farmers; Rural Rising

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

8622 Tobacco becomes a giant with power grower combo. tobacco,

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

8884 Tobacco dust can make fish farming more profitable. tobacco, fish farming, algae,

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

4275 Tobacco farmers not affected by Regulation Act of 2003. tobacco industry, law, smoking, cigarette companies,

Espino, J.

serials agriculture

10982 Tokyo declaration : International Students Summit on Food, Agriculture and Environment. genetically modified organisms : GMO biotechnology food production poverty alleviation food safety green revolution pesticides biotech organic matters

3922 Tolerability and bioavailability testing of monoglyceride of lauric acid : A preliminary report. A preliminary report. Monolaurin,

Lazo, S.H.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

1410 Tomato and pepper production in the tropics : Proceedings of the International Symposium on Integrated Management Practices, Tainan Taiwan, 21-26 March 1988. genetic resources seed production storage varietal improvement stress physiology plant diseases pests of plants integrated pest management cultural management water management nitrogen fertilizers genetic resistance salt tolerance plant breeding tissue culture anthracnose book

4291 Tomato for all seasons. tomatoes, hybrids, hybrids, serials agriculture