List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
4965 Training : constraining or liberating?. constraining or liberating?. Training, training needs,

Appleton, Mike

serials asean biodiversity

4173 Training and assessment of young boars. boars, animal training, acclimatization,

Lapus, Z.

serials agriculture

3091 Training and employment opportunities to address poverty among rural youth: A synthesis report : A joint study by FAO, ILO and UNESCO. training employment opportunity poverty rural youth book

16362 Training and field report: Identifying and measuring the effectiveness of different combination of socio-technical innovation bundles on empowerment and resilience in Kenya climate change; value chains; resilience; innovation; women's empowerment; gender equity

Ingasia, Oscar Ayuya; Otieno, Arnold Jong; Okutoyi, Getrude Alworah; Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh; Lutomia, Cosmas Kweyu; Waswa, Boaz Shaban; Ouya, Fredrick Ochieng


2105 Training and technology transfer course: Performance objectives manual. communication process educational psychology training process training needs assessment instructional strategies lesson planning classroom testing evaluation of training programs instructional media visual media agricultural extension educational process book

155 Training for agriculture and rural development 1986-87. Rural development Training Extension activities women extension higher education education distance education book fao economic and social development series no. 44

1467 Training for development. training training strategy training methods trainers posttraining evaluation action research training centers

Lynton, R.P.; Pareek, Udai


4969 Training for field conservation staff in Indochina : Lessons learned. Lessons learned. Training,

Boonratana, Ramesh

serials asean biodiversity

1771 Training Guide : NGO-assisted community-based mangrove forest management and rehabilitation. coastal resource management, mangrove resource management, communication campaigns, community organizing, alternative livelihood, laws, communication theories, communication techniques, socio-economic profiling, ecosystem development, book

14200 Training handbook on rural aquaculture environment; coastal ecosystem; mangroves; seagrasses; coral reefs; aquaculture; seabass; grouper; snapper; milkfish; mud crab; shrimp; abalone; seaweed farming; sustainable fisheries; aquafeed; nursery culture; diseases; rural appraisal; cooperatives; governance; business planning; financial analysis; aquaculture marketing; technology transfer book