List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15571 Towards effective disaster management for sustainable agriculture in Southeast Asia: Proceedings of the experts' roundtable. sustainable agriculture; disaster risk management book

2144 Towards enhancing the role of microfinance for safety nets of the poor. microfinance institutions financial services income consumption policy

Zeller, Manfred


10369 Towards excellence in public speaking. Irwininian doctrine Irwin Touch elocution emphasizing ideas speech manuscript reading impromptu gestures physical expressions

Manalo, Jose M.


1415 Towards food security and human safety : Agricultural technology, policy choices and gender issues. Food security agricultural productivity trends human safety pest management policy choices gender

Rola, A.C.

book working paper no. 00-06

11495 Towards food security and rice self sufficiency : A major development challenge for the Philippines in the new millenium food security rice technology globalization policy farming systems

Gonzales, Leonardo

biotech nast monography series no. 3

13212 Towards greener taxes and subsidies in Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTS) taxes; subsidies; mining; fisheries; agriculture; transport; waste management; urban development; tourism; energy

Watkins, Emma


3457 Towards improved linkage between research and management in marine fisheries

Pido, M.D.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

2193 Towards improving profitability of teak in integrated smallholder farming systems in northern Laos. forestry teak growing marketing socioeconomics teak smallholdings farming systems profitability assessment plantations wood processing Laos

Midgley, Stephen; Blyth, Michael; Mounlamai, Khamphone; Midgley, Dao; Brown, Alan


1992 Towards integration of simulation models in rice research : SARP research proceedings. simulation models agroecosystems analysis plant breeding nitrogen pest management soil erosion rice yields brown planthopper bacterial blight green manure China Philippines

Aggarwal, P.K.; Lansigan, F.P.; Thiyagarajan, T.M.; Rubia, E.G. (eds.)


10854 Towards Kenya's first genetically modified sweet potato. biotechnology sweet potato Kenya KARI transgenic biosafety

Kirubi, Duncan

biotech isaaa briefs no. 15