ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
15571 | Towards effective disaster management for sustainable agriculture in Southeast Asia: Proceedings of the experts' roundtable. | sustainable agriculture; disaster risk management | book |
2144 | Towards enhancing the role of microfinance for safety nets of the poor. | microfinance institutions financial services income consumption policy | Zeller, Manfred |
book |
10369 | Towards excellence in public speaking. | Irwininian doctrine Irwin Touch elocution emphasizing ideas speech manuscript reading impromptu gestures physical expressions | Manalo, Jose M. |
purch |
1415 | Towards food security and human safety : Agricultural technology, policy choices and gender issues. | Food security agricultural productivity trends human safety pest management policy choices gender | Rola, A.C. |
book | working paper no. 00-06 |
11495 | Towards food security and rice self sufficiency : A major development challenge for the Philippines in the new millenium | food security rice technology globalization policy farming systems | Gonzales, Leonardo |
biotech | nast monography series no. 3 |
13212 | Towards greener taxes and subsidies in Pacific Island Countries and Territories (PICTS) | taxes; subsidies; mining; fisheries; agriculture; transport; waste management; urban development; tourism; energy | Watkins, Emma |
weblinks |
3457 | Towards improved linkage between research and management in marine fisheries | Pido, M.D. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
2193 | Towards improving profitability of teak in integrated smallholder farming systems in northern Laos. | forestry teak growing marketing socioeconomics teak smallholdings farming systems profitability assessment plantations wood processing Laos | Midgley, Stephen; Blyth, Michael; Mounlamai, Khamphone; Midgley, Dao; Brown, Alan |
book |
1992 | Towards integration of simulation models in rice research : SARP research proceedings. | simulation models agroecosystems analysis plant breeding nitrogen pest management soil erosion rice yields brown planthopper bacterial blight green manure China Philippines | Aggarwal, P.K.; Lansigan, F.P.; Thiyagarajan, T.M.; Rubia, E.G. (eds.) |
book |
10854 | Towards Kenya's first genetically modified sweet potato. | biotechnology sweet potato Kenya KARI transgenic biosafety | Kirubi, Duncan |
biotech | isaaa briefs no. 15 |