List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3459 Training in African aquaculture development

Brummett, R.E.

serials naga: the iclarm quarterly

47 Training in rapid rural appraisal in the Philippines: the process in Guimaras Islands. Philippines Training flooding livestock raising agroforestry development Rapid Rural Appraisal book ermp reports no.2

2982 Training manual on freshwater/brackish water fish taxonomy. fish freshwater

Pollisco, Filiberto A, Jr.; Grudpan, Chaiwut; Shibukuwa, Koichi


9820 Training Manual on Plant Taxonomy (Dicots) in Southeast Asia. cd

13770 Training manual on sustainable corn production in sloping areas corn production; hedgerow; buffer strips; soil fertility; composting; crop residue management; mulching; trash line; pesticides; soil conservation measure; good agricultural practices; techno-demo farm book croplife handbook series

1866 Training methods for community development. community development training book

1850 Training module on environmental education for extension workers. training needs education environment agriculture forestry pesticide population sustainability fertilizer integrated pest management waste management agricultural chemicals pollution environmental degradation deforestation pesticide poisoning human health organic fertilizer diversity book

12388 Training needs of farmers in the CLSU technology package project barangay. agricultural education training needs methodology

Chalit Phaungraung


16200 Training needs of Indonesian agricultural extension workers for the 21st century: A recommendation based on a field study communication for development; extension worker; training needs

Agunga, Robert; Putra, R. Ahmad Romadhoni Surya

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

11970 Training needs of practical arts teachers in secondary schools in Nueva Ecija agricultural education training needs training methods education practical arts

Prapate Barnubol
