ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
4969 | Training for field conservation staff in Indochina : Lessons learned. | Lessons learned. | Training, | Boonratana, Ramesh |
serials | asean biodiversity |
1771 | Training Guide : NGO-assisted community-based mangrove forest management and rehabilitation. | coastal resource management, mangrove resource management, communication campaigns, community organizing, alternative livelihood, laws, communication theories, communication techniques, socio-economic profiling, ecosystem development, | book |
14200 | Training handbook on rural aquaculture | environment; coastal ecosystem; mangroves; seagrasses; coral reefs; aquaculture; seabass; grouper; snapper; milkfish; mud crab; shrimp; abalone; seaweed farming; sustainable fisheries; aquafeed; nursery culture; diseases; rural appraisal; cooperatives; governance; business planning; financial analysis; aquaculture marketing; technology transfer | book |
3459 | Training in African aquaculture development | Brummett, R.E. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
47 | Training in rapid rural appraisal in the Philippines: the process in Guimaras Islands. | Philippines Training flooding livestock raising agroforestry development Rapid Rural Appraisal | book | ermp reports no.2 |
2982 | Training manual on freshwater/brackish water fish taxonomy. | fish freshwater | Pollisco, Filiberto A, Jr.; Grudpan, Chaiwut; Shibukuwa, Koichi |
book |
16668 | Training manual on mango production in the Philippines | mango; production; cultural management practices; harvesting; postharvest handling; integrated pest management; crop phenology; insect pests; diseases; beneficial organisms; pesticide management; good agricultural practice; insecticide resistance management; fungicide resistance management; Philippines | book | croplife handbook series no. 3 |
9820 | Training Manual on Plant Taxonomy (Dicots) in Southeast Asia. | cd |
13770 | Training manual on sustainable corn production in sloping areas | corn production; hedgerow; buffer strips; soil fertility; composting; crop residue management; mulching; trash line; pesticides; soil conservation measure; good agricultural practices; techno-demo farm | book | croplife handbook series |
1866 | Training methods for community development. | community development training | book |