ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
16037 | Traditional rice-based farming systems for climate change adaptation in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam | climate change adaptation; climate change; traditional rice variety; rice | Le Thanh Phong; Truong Ngoc Thuy; Nguyen Van Kien |
serials | searca agriculture and development notes 2023 12-1 |
8695 | Traditional white corn is still a sustainable crop in Pampanga. | white corn, crop, | Samonte, Pete |
serials | agriculture magazine |
13557 | Trainer's manual on better rice production and marketing | rice; production; marketing; farming; business; agricultural risks; climate change; environment; PalayCheck; morphology; growth stages; land preparation; crop establishment; crop nutrition; water management; integrated pest management; crop protection products; harvest; postharvest technologies; value chains; report writing; agricultural financing services; agricultural extension; services | book |
4965 | Training : constraining or liberating?. | constraining or liberating?. | Training, training needs, | Appleton, Mike |
serials | asean biodiversity |
4173 | Training and assessment of young boars. | boars, animal training, acclimatization, | Lapus, Z. |
serials | agriculture |
3091 | Training and employment opportunities to address poverty among rural youth: A synthesis report : A joint study by FAO, ILO and UNESCO. | training employment opportunity poverty rural youth | book |
16362 | Training and field report: Identifying and measuring the effectiveness of different combination of socio-technical innovation bundles on empowerment and resilience in Kenya | climate change; value chains; resilience; innovation; women's empowerment; gender equity | Ingasia, Oscar Ayuya; Otieno, Arnold Jong; Okutoyi, Getrude Alworah; Nchanji, Eileen Bogweh; Lutomia, Cosmas Kweyu; Waswa, Boaz Shaban; Ouya, Fredrick Ochieng |
weblinks |
2105 | Training and technology transfer course: Performance objectives manual. | communication process educational psychology training process training needs assessment instructional strategies lesson planning classroom testing evaluation of training programs instructional media visual media agricultural extension educational process | book |
155 | Training for agriculture and rural development 1986-87. | Rural development Training Extension activities women extension higher education education distance education | book | fao economic and social development series no. 44 |
1467 | Training for development. | training training strategy training methods trainers posttraining evaluation action research training centers | Lynton, R.P.; Pareek, Udai |
book |