List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
15353 Total factor productivity in dairy buffalo milk production in Nueva Ecija, Philippines total factor productivity; stochastic frontier analysis; dairy buffalo; milk

Sanchez, Zadieshar G.


5290 Total quality and productivity management (TQPM) for rice production. TQPM, productivity, affectivity, technology,

Madduma, L.T.

serials philrice technical bulletin

10276 Total quality management. quality management leadership customer satisfaction employee involvement supply chain management process improvement supplier partnership performance measures environmental management system ISO 9000

Ramasamy, Subburaj


13702 Tourism as a driver of growth in the Pacific: A pathway to growth and prosperity for Pacific island countries tourism

Everett, Hayden; Simpson, Dain; Wayne, Scott


13555 Tourism as a driver of growth in the pacific: A pathway to growth and prosperity for Pacific island countries tourism; policy; infrastructure; human resources; small and medium enterprises; marketing; product development; sustainable tourism

Everett, Hayden; Simpson, Dain; Wayne, Scott


2623 Tourism for pro-poor and sustainable growth: Economic analysis of tourism projects. tourism projects benefits economic impact analysis cost-benefit analysis sustainability

Lin, Tun; De Guzman, Franklin D.

book erd technical note series no. 20

12873 Tourism opportunities through coral reef restoration technology Camiguin dive site Coral Reef Restoration Program DOST-PCAARRD

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

15851 Toward a climate adaptation and mitigation umbrella program in Southeast Asia: A proposed framework for collaboration climate change; SEARCA Program on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Southeast Asia (CChAMSEA)

Pulhin, Juan M.

book searca agriculture and development discussion paper series no. 2016-5

2527 Toward a national tax policy for e-commerce. e-commerce income taxes goods and services internet legislation auditing

Lee U, Peter

book pids research paper series no. 2004-01

1644 Toward a political economy approach to policy-based lending. policy reforms policy making process policy-based lending

Abonyi, George

book erd working paper series no.14