List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
11238 Tracing farmers' reservations to genetic engineering: a view from a national peasant organization. biotechnology genetic engineering poverty alleviation food security

Loza, Ananias F.


13343 Tracking global food security on 2017: Where is the Philippines? global food security index; affordability; availability; quality; safety; natural resources; resilience; Philippines

Dy, Rolando T.

serials agriculture magazine

13883 Tracking progress of the 2020 climate turning point - Working Paper greenhouse gas emissions; climate change; renewable electricity; transport; land use; infrastructure; industry; finance

Ge, Mengpin; Lebling, Katie; Levin, Kelly; Friedrich, Johannes


2624 Trade facilitation. trade facilitation trade liberalization GATT World Trade Organization Doha Development Agenda Kyoto Convention World Customs Organization

Ujiie, Teruo

book erd working paper series no. 78

8276 Trade for grouper in Southeast and East Asia is booming. grouper, species, fishes,

Guerrero, Rafael D. III

serials agriculture magazine

13210 Trade liberalisation and biodiversity - Scoping study: Methodologies and indicators to assess the impact of trade liberalisation on biodiversity (Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services) Final Report trade liberalization; biodiversity; trade policy; impacts

Kuik, Onno; Kettunen, Marianne; van Vliet, Jasper; Colsa, Alejandro; Illes, Andrea


12104 Trade liberalization in Thailand and its economic effects on the rice, rubber, and sugar industries agricultural economics Trade liberalization rice industry rubber industry sugar industry Thailand

Preecha Wongsgulgeard


9705 Trade Liberalization, Agriculture and Small Farm Households in the Philippines : Proactive Responses to the Threats and Opportunities of Globalization trade liberalization agriculture small farm household globalization tariff and tax cartel and export food security dumping gross value added import cd

1900 Trade liberalization, agriculture and small farm households in the Philippines : Proactive responses to the threats and opportunities of globalization. agricultural policy small-scale farmers sustainable agriculture free trade tariff agricultural development trade liberalization book

2576 Trade liberalization, pollution and poverty: Evidence from Lao PDR. trade liberalization pollution poverty WTO

Kyophilavong, Phouphet

book eepsea research report no. 2011-rr11