List of Materials : 16530

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
133 Transfer of government (NDC) lands to MNC workers' cooperative: an assessment of four cases Philippines Land transfer Cooperative activities CARP

Cornista, Luzviminda

book iast occasional papers series no.32

659 Transfer of technology to small-scale farms: Papers presented at the Ninth Meeting of the Technical Advisory Committee, May 16-21, 1988. technology transfer farmers fertilizers marketing livestock production agricultural production book

10852 Transferring expertise in banana tissue culture. tissue culture banana Kenya KARI

Mutisya, Joel; Onyangco, Margaret

biotech isaaa briefs no. 15

13699 Transferring sorghum's weed-killing power to rice sorghum; weed-killing compound; sorgoleone

Avant, Sandra

serials agriculture magazine

9264 Transform coconut farmers from poverty to prosperity by revising government policies. coconut industry, coconut productivity, government policies, Coconut Preservation Act of 1995, coconut expansion policy, hybrid program policy,

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

14476 Transformation and sources of growth in Southeast Asian agriculture agricultural transformation; growth; productivity; trade; research and development; international trade

Birthal, Pratap S.; Joshi, P. K.; Roy, Devesh; Pandey, Ghanshyam

weblinks ifpri discussion paper 01834

10918 Transformation of Brassica napus L. using Agrobacterium tumefaciens and mutagenesis of maize transposable element activatore. maize transgenic plants tissue culture Brassica napus L. Agrobacterium tumefaciens China Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Xuelan Guo; Hanzhong Wang; Jun Li; Qing Yang


16137 Transformative learning as a ground-up approach to sustainable development: Narratives from Vietnam’s Mekong Delta climate-resilient development; community climate action; education for sustainable development (ESD); sustainable agriculture; transformative learning

Nguyen Minh, Quang

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

10594 Transformative organization management. marketing management production management financial management total quality management quality circle program 5S program benchmarking program problem-solving tools

Atienza, Rumel V.


13886 Transforming agriculture for climate resilience: A framework for systemic change climate resilience; agriculture; transformative adaptation; food security

Carter, Rebecca; Ferdinand, Tyler; Chan, Christina
