List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
9160 Translating among multiple representations to discover possible solutions in the process of open-ended problem solving. abductive learning, problem solving,

Tran Vui

serials journal of science and mathematics education in southeast asia

15998 Translating scientific information to practice: The case of insect pest management in Vietnam fast moving consumer goods; climate change; insect pest management; Vietnam

Heong, Kong Luen; Escalada, Monina M.; Chien, Ho Van

serials searca agriculture and development notes 2014 4-3

8192 Transnational factors and national linkages: Indian experience in human vaccines. India, vaccine, policy, transnational, innovation system,

Madhavi, Y.

serials asian biotechnology and development review

9707 Transport Infrastructure and Poverty Reduction : Workshop and Presentations. transport infrastructure poverty reduction investment road projects project development cd

798 Transport, receipt, and propagation of in vitro sweet potato plantlets Transport Plant propagation Sweet potatoes Seedlings Tissue culture Culture technique Micropropagation

Dodds, J.H.; Panta, A.; Bryan, J.E.

book cip research guide 38

3610 Transposable elements in rice plants Reverse transcriptase, Rice, Gene transposition,

Hirochika H.

serials japan agricultural research quartely (jarq)

5615 Trash farming: Becoming a biological farmer for sustainable and restorative agriculture. trash farming carbon sequestration biological farming organic matter Growbio Activator Negros

Galvan, Mary Aidine

serials agriculture magazine

4027 Treading resistance and breeding of guineagrass suitable for rollbale. plant breeding, Natsukomaki, tiller number, apical dominance, drying rate, palatability, treading,

Hidemichi Matsuoka

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

8920 Treated prop roots of some Pandanus species as raw material for handicrafts. roots, Pandanus spp., handicrafts,

Katigbak, Simplicia B.

serials forest products research development institute

4694 Treating pesticide emergencies. pesticides, first aid treatment, contamination, serials agriculture