List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
199 Trends in agricultural wages: 1995-1996 wage rate Philippines book

7597 Trends in drought research. drought, maize,

Messmer, Rainer

serials the kasetsart journal

16253 Trends in India's agricultural growth and its determinants agricultural growth; cropping pattern; crop output; growth performance

Kannan, Elumalai

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

16610 Trends in the implementation of biopesticides in the Euro-Mediterranean region: a narrative literary review biopesticides; pesticides; Mediterranean; agriculture; agricultural practices

Fusar Poli, Elena; Fontefrancesco, Michele Filippo

weblinks sustainable earth reviews

2173 Trends in the organization and financing of agricultural research in developed countries : Implications for developing countries. agricultural research developed countries developing countries organization of research research institutions research policies research support Australia USA Netherlands

Janssen, Willem; Braunschweig, Thomas


3618 Trends of epidemics of bovine infectious diseases in Japan during 1987-1993 Animal diseases, Cattle, Bovinae, Infectious diseases,

Ogawa, T.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

9123 TRI Fellows: The first thirty years. forestry,

Bealsey, Erin

serials tropical resources

5358 Tri Hita Karana, a guiding philosophy for coastal strategy development in Bali, Indonesia. integrated coastal management, environment, philosophy, Indonesia,

Ir. Ni Wayan Sudji

serials tropical coasts

8978 Trial confirms Ebola vaccine candidate safe, equally immunogenic in Africa. Ebola vaccine, Zaire strains, Sudan strains,

Sison, Jaime Abella

serials agriculture magazine

9143 Trial of green asparagus out-of-season production for establishing year-round production in Kyushu, a warm area of Japan. horticulture, benzyladermine, mother-fern culture, protected cultivation, thermal retention,

Shin-ichi Watanabe

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)