List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
13700 Ubi production guide ubi production; Dioscorea alata; uses; nutritional value; varieties; soil and climate requirement; planting; fertilization; trellising; pest management; harvesting; postharvest handling; storage serials agriculture magazine

10891 UIUC-ISAAA Survey: Southeast Asians positive to agri-biotech, exhibit high trust in university scientists and research institutes. biotechnology food safety genetically modified crop production policy makers farmer leaders extension workers small farmers factual knowledge SEA

Juanillo, Napoleon K. Jr.

biotech crop biotech brief, vol. iii, no. 2

5449 UK shares its four lessons on GMOs. genetically modified organisms, environmental safety, risks, toxicity, gene stacking, invasiveness,

Malicsi, L.

serials the philippine agriculture magazine

13226 Ultrasonication, microwave and heat moisture treatments to accelerate the formation of resistant starch in broken and brewer rice flour resistant starch, ultrasonication, heat moisture treatment; rice flour; Gelombang Mikro

Shinta Dewi Ardhiyanti


4104 Ultrasound: an environmentally friendly tool for the textile industry. ultrasound technology, cotton fibers, enzymes, textile processing, enzymatic treatment, serials agriculture

4829 Ultrastructure of connective tissue cells of giant African snails, Achatina fulica (Bowdich). connective tissue cells, pore cell, vesicular connective tissue cell, amoebocyte, fibroblast, muscle cell,

Viyada Seehabutr

serials the kasetsart journal

7806 Ultraviolet light boosts carrots' antioxidant value. ultraviolet light, carrots, antioxidant, mushrooms, serials agriculture magazine

2220 UN gender strategy framework in the Philippines: Sustaining women's human rights and gender equality (2005-2009). gender equality women empowerment rights human development monitoring and evaluation environmental sustainability book

15249 Unbundling the influence of human capital on the new venture' performance human capital; entrepreneurship; venture performance; panel data

Giones, Ferran; Gozun, Brian; Miralles, Francesc

serials dlsu business and economics review

16581 Under siege: Tobacco farmers suffering from smuggling tobacco; farmers; smuggling; tobacco farming; aging farmers; solutions; government

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine