ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13700 | Ubi production guide | ubi production; Dioscorea alata; uses; nutritional value; varieties; soil and climate requirement; planting; fertilization; trellising; pest management; harvesting; postharvest handling; storage | serials | agriculture magazine |
10891 | UIUC-ISAAA Survey: Southeast Asians positive to agri-biotech, exhibit high trust in university scientists and research institutes. | biotechnology food safety genetically modified crop production policy makers farmer leaders extension workers small farmers factual knowledge SEA | Juanillo, Napoleon K. Jr. |
biotech | crop biotech brief, vol. iii, no. 2 |
5449 | UK shares its four lessons on GMOs. | genetically modified organisms, environmental safety, risks, toxicity, gene stacking, invasiveness, | Malicsi, L. |
serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
13226 | Ultrasonication, microwave and heat moisture treatments to accelerate the formation of resistant starch in broken and brewer rice flour | resistant starch, ultrasonication, heat moisture treatment; rice flour; Gelombang Mikro | Shinta Dewi Ardhiyanti |
theses |
4104 | Ultrasound: an environmentally friendly tool for the textile industry. | ultrasound technology, cotton fibers, enzymes, textile processing, enzymatic treatment, | serials | agriculture |
4829 | Ultrastructure of connective tissue cells of giant African snails, Achatina fulica (Bowdich). | connective tissue cells, pore cell, vesicular connective tissue cell, amoebocyte, fibroblast, muscle cell, | Viyada Seehabutr |
serials | the kasetsart journal |
7806 | Ultraviolet light boosts carrots' antioxidant value. | ultraviolet light, carrots, antioxidant, mushrooms, | serials | agriculture magazine |
2220 | UN gender strategy framework in the Philippines: Sustaining women's human rights and gender equality (2005-2009). | gender equality women empowerment rights human development monitoring and evaluation environmental sustainability | book |
15249 | Unbundling the influence of human capital on the new venture' performance | human capital; entrepreneurship; venture performance; panel data | Giones, Ferran; Gozun, Brian; Miralles, Francesc |
serials | dlsu business and economics review |
16581 | Under siege: Tobacco farmers suffering from smuggling | tobacco; farmers; smuggling; tobacco farming; aging farmers; solutions; government | Ocampo, Junep |
serials | agriculture magazine |