ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
13402 | Unique ideas from Samar's calamansi king | calamansi | Sarian, Zac B. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
367 | Universal declaration of human rights | human rights | book |
9539 | University of Bologna International Summer School Programme Summer School on Monitoring and Evaluation of International Programs and Public Policies: Poverty Reduction, Social Policy, and Public Service Delivery. | Poverty Reduction, Social Policy, and Public Service Delivery. | living standards, income, consumption, social inclusion, policy implementation, administrative reform, public management, | cd |
14925 | University students help rice farmers sell their produce | rice farmers; selling; transporting; farming | Taculao, Patricia Bianca S. |
serials | agriculture magazine |
2149 | Unleashing entrepreneurship : Making business work for the poor - Report to the Secretary-General of the United Nations. | entrepreneurship poverty small and medium enterprises | book |
16599 | Unlocking the potential of precision agriculture for sustainable farming | precision agriculture; crop yields; resource efficiency; sustainability; farm profitability; data security | Mgendi, George |
weblinks | discov agric 2, 87 |
16658 | Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs): an adoptable technology for precise and smart farming | sensors; unmanned arial vehicles; drone; remote-control; Micro-Controllers’ Internet of Things and Flight Controllers | Makam, Swetha; Komatineni, Bharath Kumar; Meena, Sanwal Singh; Meena, Urmila M |
weblinks | discov internet things |
11823 | Unpriced valuation approach for ecotourism in Way Kambas National Park, Lampung province, Indonesia | forestry ecotourism Way Kambas National Park Lampung province Indonesia | Sugeng Prayitno Harianto |
theses |
3741 | Unraveling the secrets of the soils. | soil organisms, | serials | agriculture |
15655 | Unravelling the effects of crop blue, green and grey virtual water flows on regional agricultural water footprint and scarcity | virtual water flow; blue-green-grey water; crop water footprint; water scarcity; China | Cao, Xinchun; Bao, Yutong; Li, Yueyao; Li, Jianni; Wu, Mengyang |
weblinks |