ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
5999 | Underscoring food chain security through branding. | branding bar codes consumer confidence Alltech products | Sison, Jaime Abella |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5858 | Understanding and preventing feedborne mycotoxins (Part 1). | mycotoxins feed grains Fusarium mycotoxins fumonisins T2 toxin zearalenone vomitoxin fusaric acid hazards | Sison, Jaime Abella |
serials | agriculture magazine |
5882 | Understanding and preventing feedborne mycotoxins (Part 2). | mycotoxins binders feed detoxification silica inorganic polymers | Sison, Jaime Abella |
serials | agriculture magazine |
9482 | Understanding Animal Health in Southeast Asia. | animal health information, survey toolbox, surveillance software, livestock diseases, geographic information systems (GIS), economic issues, | cd |
1000 | Understanding animal health in Southeast Asia: Advances in the collection, management and use of animal health information. | animal health information systems livestock diseases epidemiology geographical information systems foot-and-mouth disease | Pramod Sharma; Baldock, Cris (eds.) |
book | aciar monograph no. 58 |
4344 | Understanding biotechnology in agriculture. | biotechnology, cross-breeding, hybridization, bioengineering, food safety, legal issues, food additives, labeling, pharmaceutical crops, allergens, toxins, anti-nutrients, | Crawford, L.M. |
serials | agriculture |
11444 | Understanding Biotechnology series : Genetic engineering and GM crops. | biotechnology genetic engineering deoxyribonucleic acid : DNA recombinant DNA technology plant breeding plant genome transgenic crops gene cloning gene package GM crops insect resistant herbicide tolerant genetically engineered crops backcross breeding plant tissue | biotech | greenfields magazine |
3130 | Understanding biotechnology. | biotechnology's history genetic engineering bioindustry GM products biosafety | Mendoza, Evelyn Mae T. |
book |
2189 | Understanding biotechnology. | biotechnology genetic engineering microorganisms modern biotechnology biosafety | Tecson, Mendoza, Evelyn Mae |
book |
13128 | Understanding community perceptions of resilience: Discussions with communities from CRS disaster risk reduction projects | women; men; resilience; community; external report | Hilleboe, Amy; Hagens, Clara |
book |