List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
2667 Trials and triumphs : communities fighting poverty through KALAHI-CIDSS. poor poverty governance empowerment women

Martinez, Juan Edmund F. (ed.)


7236 Trichoderma, squash seeds are potential chicken feed additives, probiotics. Trichoderma harzianum probiotics broiler chickens squash seeds

Gorre, Russell N.

serials agriculture magazine

3894 Trichodermal action on inoculated coconut husk (a research note). Coconut husks, Trichoderma, decomposition,

Nunez, T.C.

serials the philippine journal of coconut studies

4856 Trichogramma and Bio-N cut rice and corn production cost by half. Inoculant, parasitoid, azospirillium, seeds, nitrogen fixation, technology,

Ramos, Mercy G.

serials agriculture

4251 Trichogramma controls sugarcane borers. insect pests, sugarcane borers, Trichogramma chilonis, Corcyra cephalonica, egg card machine, serials agriculture

4407 Trichogramma: The friendly insect. Trichogramma, insects, wasps, Sitotroga cereallela, Corcyra cephalonica, biological control agents, corn borer, serials agriculture

5641 Tricks of the trade. rice trade liberalization import

Hettel, Gene

serials agriculture magazine

9708 TROPAG & RURAL 1975 - June 1996. agriculture environment rural development cd

13888 Tropical forest monitoring: Exploring the gaps between what is required and what is possible for REDD+ and other initiatives climate change; forests; forest monitoring technologies; REDD++

Petersen, Rachael; Davis, Crystal; Herold, Martin; De Sy, Veronique


16067 Tropical forests and climate change mitigation ecosystems; climate change adaptation; tropical forests; policy brief

Lasco, Rodel D.

serials searca policy brief series 2008-6