List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1249 Trees and their management. Sustainable Agroforest Land Technology seedlings tree pruning bamboo rattan anahaw buri tree species fuelwood species citrus production book agroforestry technology information kit (atik) 2

15364 Trees physiological responses to air pollution in Taman Margasatwa Ragunan and UI Depok Campus ascorbic acid content; leaf extract pH; relative water content; total chlorophyll content; APTI

Diana Selvia Hamid; Ratna Yuniati; Afiatry Putrika

serials biotropia: the southeast asian journal of tropical biology

935 Trees, shrubs and grasses for saltlands: an annotated bibliography trees shrubs grasses saltland chemical abbreviations

Nico Marcar; Shoaib Ismail; Afzal Hossain; Rafiq Ahmad

book aciar monograph no.56

3755 Trellising solanaceous crops. off-season planting, trellising technology, serials agriculture

6899 Trend analysis on milk production traits in the dairy farming promotion organization of Thailand. trend analysis dairy cattle milk yield

Sanao Katkasame; Sornthep Tumwasorn; Bandhit Thanindratarn; Somkiert Pasanpanich

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

14744 Trends and drivers of agri-environmental performance in OECD countries land use; pesticides; biodiversity; ammonia emissions; greenhouse gas emissions; agriculture; nutrient balance indicators; water use; irrigation; water resources weblinks

123 Trends and impacts of a changing city: the transformation of Naga City socioeconomic development cultural development economic development Philippines nongovernmental organizations religious sector education sector gender

Contreras, A.P.; Cabanilla, Daylinda B.; de Vera, Richard B. (eds.)


10587 Trends and issues in library and information management. library management collection development curriculum non-print materials technology information managers intellectual freedom

Prasad, Mohan


522 Trends and perspectives in agricultural education Asia-Pacific agricultural education human resources development education systems book

11095 Trends and status of biotechnology. biotechnology genetic engineering tissue culture transgenic crops

Medrano, William C.
