List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
7091 Turning ordinary farmers into scientists. Farmer-Scientists Training Program farmers corn detasseling income

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

1805 Turning priorities into feasible programs : Proceedings of a Policy Seminar on Agricultural Biotechnology for Latin America, 6-10 October 1996, Peru. biotechnology genetically modified organisms resistance genes investment rice blast

Komen, J.; Falconi, C.; Hernandez, H. (eds.)


1804 Turning priorities into feasible programs : Proceedings of a Regional Seminar on Planning, Priorities and Policies for Agricultural Biotechnology in Southeast Asia, 25-29 September 1994, Singapore. biotechnology agrotechnology intellectual property technology transfer commercialization Thailand Vietnam Philippines Indonesia

Komen, J.; Cohen, J.I.; Sing-Kong Lee (eds.)


9709 Turning the Tide : Sustaining Earth's Large Marine Ecosystems. large marine ecosystems, coastal production, marine habitats, fishery stocks, marine life, cd

4950 Turtle Islands wildlife sactuary, Tawi-tawi, Philippines : Profiles. Profiles. Protected area, turtles, Jama Mapun, ethnic group, serials asean biodiversity

14545 Twenty somethings start agritech business that link farmers to consumers agritech business; entrepreneurship; farmers; agricuture; online market; Hi Fred

Tan, Yvette

serials agriculture magazine

2979 Twenty years of working towards a sustainable Southeast Asia 1993- 2013 : Transforming lives and landscapes with trees. trees landscaping Southeast Asia agroforestry watershed book

15022 Two agriculturists thrive during the pandemic by growing ornamental and food crops at home ornamental crops; food crops; backyard farm

Valdevieso, Rinzo D.

serials agriculture magazine

16471 Two best jackfruit varieties for high-income production jackfruit; varieties; uses

Pamplona, Pablito P.

serials agriculture magazine

4434 Two cheap ways of reducing internal parasites in goats. goats, endoparasites, rapid rotational grazing, regulated mating,

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture