List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16 True potato seed: Past and present uses potatoes uses small scale farm size seed

Malagamba, P.; Monares, A.


16595 True success in organic farming organic farming; organic certification; innovative farming techniques; Tacloban

Ocampo, Junep

serials agriculture magazine

15234 Trust, leadership, and money incentives and the promotion of participation in community-based recycling activity: Which one works? waste management; money incentives; recycling; waste banks; benefits; organic waste composting; eco-waste management

Halimatussadiah, Alin; Widyawanti, Diah; Syahril, Shanty

book eepsea research reports 2016-rr10

4911 Try powdered atis seeds against mungbean weevil. Weevil : Pests of plants, pest control, biological pesticide, mungbean, seeds,

Andres, Reynaldo E.

serials agriculture

4232 Try this modified seeding of rice. dry seeding, rice, traditional method,

Pablico, S.M.

serials agriculture

13904 Tubungan farmers train on quality assurance marketing operations farmers; marketing; farmers association; livelihood

Toreno, Sheila Mae H.

serials agriculture magazine

12946 Tuburan coffee brewing in Cebu coffee production DOST coffee serials agriculture magazine

4387 Tugi: An important carbohydrate foodstuff. root crop, Dioscorea esculenta, tugi, lesser yam, food, tubers,

Papa, A.G.

serials agriculture

8590 Tuguegarao launch for children's BT corn story book. Bt corn, biotechnology, story book,

Rodriguez, Tony A.

serials agriculture magazine

1524 Tuna baitfish and the pole-and-line industry in Kiribati. Baitfish tuna stock assessment catch composition species composition predation fishery improvement baitfishing techniques

Rawlinson, N.J.F.; Milton, D.A.; Blaber, S.J.M. (eds.)

book aciar technical reports 24