ID | Title | Subtitle | Subject | Author | Tags | Series | |
11470 | Transgenic cotton. | Bt cotton phenotypic analysis agrobacterium crop genomics gene stacking marker-assisted breeding utilization isolation plant nutrition stress tolerance herbicide tolerance disease resistance insect resistance gene transgenic cotton safety assessment cotton production breeding China genetic engineering Helicoverpa armigera cotton bollworm genetically modified organisms biosafety risk assessment | Jia Shirong, ed.; Guo Sandui, ed.; An Daochang, ed.; Xia Guixian, ed. |
biotech |
5480 | Transgenic cows resist mastitis-causing bacteria. | biotechnology, cattle, mastitis, Staphylococcus aureus, lysostaphin, pathogens, | serials | the philippine agriculture magazine |
11009 | Transgenic crops to feed world population. | transgenic crops biotechnology genetically engineered crops palm oils genes food security | Nguyen, J.T. |
biotech | manila bulletin |
3460 | Transgenic fish research | Sulaiman, Z.H. |
serials | naga: the iclarm quarterly |
13074 | Transgenic plants: Advances and limitations | biotechnology; genome engineering; veterinary vaccines; animal diseases; viral vaccines, plants; flower color modification; genetic engineering; pharmaceuticals; rice; plant lectins; crop protection; metabolomics; transgenic plants; plastid genomics | Stepanenko, Aleksei A. |
purch |
10997 | Transgenic products are safe to eat? | transgenic crops biotechnology gene transfer NCBP ISAAA Clive James Reynaldo Ebora crop management sustainable agriculture | Daluddung, Joanne |
biotech | agriculture |
3996 | Transgenic rice and potato plants expressing human cytochrome P450s show cross-tolerance to herbicides by detoxifying them. | cytochrome, detoxification, herbicide resistance, transgenic plants, phytoremediation, weed management, | Yasunobu Ohkawa |
serials | fftc technical bulletin 159 |
16339 | Transition from agriculture to non-agriculture occupations in West Bengal, India: Causes and way forward | employment diversification; farm viability; logit model; semi-marginal and marginal farmers | Chattopadhyay, Apurba Kumar; Kundu, Raj Kumar |
serials | asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad) |
2294 | Transition to organic tea production in the Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam: Economic and environmental impacts. | tea trade organic farming agrochemical residues environmental impacts cost-benefit analysis Vietnam | Nghia Dai Tran |
book | research report no. 2008-rr8 |
16621 | Transitioning to zero hunger | hunger; food; sustainability; nutrition; technology; malnutrition; agriculture | Kiba, Delwende Innocent (Ed.) |
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