List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
16285 Tropical forests and climate change mitigation: The global potential and cases from the Philippines climate change; forest degradation; IPCC

Lasco, Rodel D.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

1667 Tropical forests and climate change: Status, issues and challenges (TFCC '98) [Proceedings]. deforestation climate change El niño forest fires carbon sequestration mycorrhizal technology mangrove forest carbon emissions land use land cover mapping forest management Cinchona mapping book

947 Tropical forests, integrated conservation strategies and the concept of critical mass deforestation reforestation biodiversity indigenous cultures conservation strategy logging techniques agroecosystems tourism human population health

Lilat Muul

book mab digest no.15

7242 Tropical fruit extracts control crop diseases. organic fungicide fruit extracts Antica plant diseases Sigatoka banana plants anthracnose

Sarian, Zac B.

serials agriculture magazine

1892 Tropical legumes for sustainable farming systems in Southern Africa and Australia. forage legumes farming systems crop-livestock enterprises fodder bank Lablab purpureus cowpea maize Mucuna agricultural simulation model

Whitbread, A.M.; Pengelly, B.C. (eds.)

book aciar proceedings no. 115

16088 Tropical marine microalgae for biodiesel production biodiesel production; marine microalgae; policy brief

Nurachman, Zeily

serials searca policy brief series 2011-3

2627 Tropical rain forest ecology, diversity, and conservation. tropical rain forests fungi microorganisms mammals birds amphibians reptiles insects fish insects biodiversity rainforest soil types nutrient cycling carbon flowering plants seed dormancy deforestation species forest management Kyoto Protocol REDD

Ghazoul, Jaboury; Sheil, Douglas


10348 Tropical seashells of the Philippines. seashells mollusks species Philippines

Fiene-Severns, Pauline; Severns, Mike; Dyerly, Ruth


941 Tropical tree seed research seed seed biology seed dispersal seed testing seed processing storage seed improvement Arenga pinnata Sugar palms Azadirachta indica Acacia albida Larix occidentalis Santalum album

Turnball, J.W. (ed.)

book aciar proceedings no.28

786 True potato seed potatoes seed production agronomy cooking quality yields history

Umaerus, Magnhild
