List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
1301 Upland rice weeds of South and Southeast Asia. weeds weed management botanical characteristics

Galinato, M.I.; Moody, K.; Piggin, C.M.


15873 Upland rice: Cultural keystone species in a Philippine traditional agroecosystem biocultural diversity; cultural keystone species; traditional agro-ecosystem; upland rice

Zapico, Florence L.; Dizon, Josefina T.; Fernando, Edwino S.; Borromeo, Teresita H.; McNally, Kenneth L.; Hernandez, Jose E.

serials asian journal of agriculture and development (ajad)

5662 UPLB develops soil-less farming. SNAP hydroponics Simple Nutrient Addition Program styrofoam liquid fertilizer vegetables fruits

Lontoc, Jo Florendo B.

serials agriculture magazine

6145 UPLB promotes rice-duck growing module. rice mallard ducks golden apple snail integrated farming serials agriculture magazine

14504 UPLB students' awareness, attitudes and practices on their consumer rights and responsibilities consumer education; consumer responsibilities; consumer rights

Mojica, Allelie Ruth T.; Sy, Charisma Marie S.; Geges, Dhino B.; Visco, Emilia S.; Tabanera, Lennor S.; Mejia, Hannah Marie T.

serials journal of human ecology

11358 UPLB's Environmental Biotechnology Program : Developing biotechnology and sustainable strategies to solve environmental problems. Developing biotechnology and sustainable strategies to solve environmental problems. DNA fingerprinting agro-industrial wastes microbe degreasers industrial alcohol fermentation bioemuosifiers biosurfactants flocculation systems absorption sustainable waste management organic fertilizer nata de coco ultrafiltration membranes industrial wastewaters biotechnology industrial use environmental protection environmental conservation piggery waste thermophilic microorganisms microbial exopolysaccharides : EPS distillery effluents liquid fertilizer toxic heavy metals biotech biolife: a bi-monthly magazine on biotechnology

14061 Uplifting citrus industry through S&T citrus industry; PCAARRD

Zuraek, Marie Joy L.

serials agriculture magazine

5849 Uplifting the multi-functional roles of the rice terraces (First of two parts). rice terraces Cordillera Batangan system Ginubat

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine

5873 Uplifting the multi-functional roles of the rice terraces. rice terraces Revitalize Indigenous Cordilleran Entrepreneurs Cordillera

Domoguen, Robert L.

serials agriculture magazine

8395 Uprooting the problem with cassava drying. cassava, uprooting, crop, cooperatives, drying,

Caliguiran, Vladimir B.

serials agriculture magazine