List of Materials : 16573

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
967 Utilization of feed resources in relation to nutrition and physiology of ruminants in the tropics China Malaysia Indonesia Philippines ruminant production feed resources feeding value animal production nutrition mineral requirement livestock production cattle buffalo book tropical agriculture research series no. 25

6481 Utilization of Fermented Feather Meal as a Replacement of Fish Meal in the Diet of Hybrid Clarias Catfish. feather meal fermentation fish meal feed efficiency hybrid clarias catfish

Chumlong Arunlertaree; Ek Rakyuttithamkul

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

6585 Utilization of fish flour in canned concentrated seasoning stock for Thai foods preparation. fish powder Thai curry Thai dishes processed foods calcium canned concentrated seasoning stock

Plernchai Tangkanakul; Payom Auttaviboonkul; Patcharee Tungtrakul; Mantana Ruamrux; Chidchom Hiraga; Kanjanarat Thaveesook; Montatip Yunchalad

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

12511 Utilization of full fat copra in feeding dairy buffalo (Bubalus bubalis L.). buffaloes copra nutrient digestibility lactational performance dry matter intake napier grass

Regaspi, Anthony Francis Sabater


10907 Utilization of induced mutations for genetic improvement of wheat. wheat : Triticum aestivum intraspecific hybridization plant breeding mutagenesis biotechnology Cuphea

M. Afzal Arain; M. Ahmad; K.A. Siddiqui


135 Utilization of landowners' compensation from the comprehensive agrarian reform program (CARP): the case of lands under voluntary offer to sell (VOS) agrarian reform landowners compensation comprehensive agrarian reform program CARP

Bravo, Marideth R.

book iast occasional papers series no.29

11771 Utilization of madre de cacao (Gliricidia sepium (Jacq.) as feed for sheep Madre de cacao Gliricidia sepium feed sheep Philippines

Medrano, William C.


7490 Utilization of Male Sterility for Baby Corn Improvement. baby corn, male sterility, cytoplasmic male sterility, detasseling, non-detasseling, fresh yield,

Chokechai Aekatasanawan

serials the kasetsart journal : natural science

3634 Utilization of nitrogen by vegetables crops Cropping systems, Soil fertility, Vegetables, Crops,

Hideo Ikeda

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

11704 Utilization of primary health care services in the Province of Capiz. health care services Capiz Philippines

Leccio, Aladino L.
