List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
12861 Value adding through soya ice candy soya business soya products soya milk soya coffee

Yap, Julio P., Jr.

serials agriculture magazine

12644 Value chain analysis of fresh potato in Bac Giang province, Vietnam. potato value chain analysis marketing channel production transportation cost income

Tran Duc Tri


15501 Value chain analysis of Maliputo, Caranx ignobilis in the Philippines Caranx ignobilis; value chain analysis; stakeholders

Mutia, Maria Theresa M.; Muyot, Myla C.; Balunan, Rielyn L.; Muyot, Frederick B.

serials the philippine journal of fisheries

13221 Value chain thinking: A trainer’s manual value chain; market; postharvest; farmers

Dent, Benjamin; Macharia, John; Aloyce, Agatha


12824 Value of tropical evergreen Aglaia-Streblus forest carbon pools at Meru Betiri National Park, East Java, Indonesia. biodiversity valuation ecological valuation carbon stocks biomass necromass soil organic matter litterfall

Hari Sulistiyowati


12204 Value profile and values affecting members' participation in selected cooperatives in Chiangmai, Thailand community development cooperatives Chiangmai Thailand

Narinchai Patanapongsa


7138 Value-added tilapia products showcased. tilapia fish longanisa tocino pulverized spines food products fish sauce

Abello, Melpha M.

serials agriculture magazine

1750 Value-addition to agricultural products : Towards increase of farmers' income and vitalization of rural economy. postharvest agricultural development farmers income globalization food safety grain quality fish products indigenous plants technologies biotechnology foods

Mori, Y.; Hayashi, T.; Highley, E. (eds.)

book jircas international symposium series no. 11

124 Values and development: appraising Asian experience economic development value changes urbanization modernization

Laswell, Harold; Lerner, Daniel; Montgomery, John D. (eds.)


10020 Values and ethics in organization and human systems development: Responding to dilemmas in professional life. organizational change : moral and ethical aspects personnel management human systems development clash of culture action research racism sexism conflicting roles

Gellermann, William; Frankel, Mark S.; Ladenson, Robert F.
