List of Materials : 16598

ID Title Subtitle Subject Author Tags Series
3644 Vegetable cultivation under the plastic rain shelter Vegetable growing, Plastic film covers,

Masaki. T.

serials japan agricultural research quarterly (jarq)

4776 Vegetable diseases in the Cordillera: A compendium. vegetables, plant diseases, cabbage, carrots, potatoes, snap beans, bell pepper, cucumber,

Nagpala, A.L.

serials bsu research journal

6986 Vegetable growing ideas for rice farmers. vegetable growing trellises

Biag, Hannah HM M.; Pablico, Sosimo Ma.

serials agriculture magazine

7203 Vegetable ice cream, malunggay noodles are rising livelihoods in Ilocos Sur. ice cream vegetables malunggay squash mungbeans bell pepper

Tacadena, Mancielito S.

serials agriculture magazine

256 Vegetable production and marketing vegetable production research risk management marketing credit processing women postharvest handling nutrition training extension

Lopez, K.; Libas, E. (eds.)


255 Vegetable Production and Marketing in Asia and the Pacific Japan China Fiji Hong Kong India Indonesia Iran Japan Korea Malaysia Nepal Pakistan Philippines Sri Lanka Thailand vegetable production plant production marketing postharvest technology trade book

10659 Vegetable production and practices. vegetables tillage cropping systems crop establishment fertilization irrigation mulches protected culture vegetable safety hydroponics cucumber melons watermelon pumpkins squash potato peppers eggplant tomato lettuce corn onions garlic leek shallots chives sweetpotato root crops spinach asparagus beans and peas carrot celery mushrooms

Welbaum, Gregory E.


2264 Vegetable production in Bangladesh: Commercialization and rural livelihoods. vegetables plant production exports technologies employment wage rate marketing seed supply input supply

Weinberger, Katinka

book technical bulletin no. 33

9054 Vegetable production in the Red river delta of Vietnam : I. Opportunities and constraints. I. Opportunities and constraints. Vietnam, vegetable production, demand, supply, marketing, constraints,

Pham Thi Thu Huong

serials njas-waginingen journal of life and sciences

9055 Vegetable production in the Red River Delta of Vietnam : II. Profitability, labour requirements and pesticide use. II. Profitability, labour requirements and pesticide use. Vietnam, vegetable production, profitability, labour requirement, pesticide use, rural household income,

Pham Thi Thu Huong

serials njas-waginingen journal of life nad sciences